Friday, January 8, 2016

Republic Square, Renaud appears very weak – Le Figaro

The singer who claims everywhere “fart form” was even very tired during the spontaneous gathering for freedom of expression of January 7.

Present but not present. Republic Square, surrounded by hundreds of fans, Renaud who called on Facebook to join his fans Thursday to honor the memory of victims of Charlie Hebdo , is simply appeared speechless. “You do not hear anything,” has stopped launching her crowd gathered around him.

Along with his friend Christophe Alévèque, the interpreter of Let concrete was pale. Not once did the singer grabbed the megaphone to speak to his audience. While the comedian spoke during long minutes in favor of freedom of expression: “We are here to celebrate the life, liberty, equality and fraternity, not to give in to terror to say loud and clear that we are still standing, “the singer for his part, was conspicuous by his silence.

The same goes when it came to sing the famous song of Michel Delpech That was pretty Marianne and Ciao Bella , sang three times the crowd. Only the strong voice of Christopher Alévêque was audible. Was it under the influence of emotion?

Renaud vowed “to be in top form (…) be a new man … A phoenix rising from the ashes” on his Facebook account and “having found the voice of his great days.” But, it seems that the author of Mistral Winner is not yet quite ready to go back on stage. Hopefully his speech absence is only temporary since release a new album in March and then begin a long tour of zeniths throughout France.


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