Arte will broadcast Saturday, April 9 the fifth installment of his series multimedia Refugees , directed by filmmaker and Belgian actress in camps in Calais Grande-Synthe. A documentary seizing on which the filmmaker returned to the antenna France Inter .
“When I Arte proposed this carte blanche, I did not understand what was expected of me. ” On the antenna of the show L’Instant M France Inter , Friday, April 8, Yolande Moreau retells her fright, when, one day in December the Arte Reportage editor Philippe Brachet call asking him to direct an episode for his series multimedia Refugees , in migrant camps in Calais Grande-Synthe.
If the director and Belgian actress seems to have still not understood why we spoke to her for this story, watching Nowhere in France – aired Saturday 9th Arte in April but already available on the website of the chain – to understand the intuition of Philippe Brachet. The documentary directed by Yolande Moreau is kneaded away and emotions, still shots that speak volumes of poems that face this cruel reality.
What first struck the filmmaker on his way in January in the “jungle” that is “the earth drink of water.” This soil soaked, dirty, leaving the muddy boots, is constantly present in the image. A land in which you sink and which is difficult to extract. As these camps that continue to fill but where it is almost impossible to leave.
“Here we did not flee death to come and die”
There, Yolande Moreau “films a little while.” Soon, it focuses on the face and course Hawre, a young Kurd, 28, graduated in geology and stuck like so many others from mud puddles. “I tried to build the documentary about the interview with someone, so that we have less afraid of him, for there to be a human face,” says the director of France Inter .
When Hawre tells his words burn. It narrates his six expeditions failed before reaching join Greece, its 17 attempts to go to England, but also bitterness of being stuck here in France, as he would only be able to travel to the other side of the Channel. “Death is not leaked to come here to die,” he says, citing the terrible reception conditions. “I honestly do not expect a bad reception from the France [...] We hate us, and we feel it.”
“Here lies Europe”
Yolande Moreau therefore chooses to tell the human camps. But also poetry. Although anger seems never far away, his voice bed with calm and gentle words of Laurent Gaude, author of Eldorado (2006) or Dancing Shadows (2015) . “How did you take roads, trails, paths to get here? How many hours of waiting, truncated hopes? “Asks the actress, whose very presence in this documentary comes down to this voice.
“France is fearful and Europe as a whole takes gravediggers tunes. Here lies Europe, yes, if she abandons the spirit to embrace the fear. ” The facts are chilling. And just before the credits, Yolande Moreau recalls the figures that she wanted to give life. In 2006, the Grande-Synthe camp welcomed 80 refugees; in the summer of 2015, there were over 2000.
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