Monday, December 21, 2015

Arte pays tribute to Jacques Tati, the poet of French cinema – Le Figaro

TONIGHT ON TV – The channel airs tonight after The Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday , a new documentary titled Tati Express who referred to the career of this director like no other.

In 1950, we imagined the kitchen of 2000 with a ticker on which the housewife would type the command of the foods robots turn into meals. This is exactly what a small prophesies topical film, among others, that have deftly slipped directors Emmanuel Leconte and Simon Wallon in their documentary. Through the work of Tati, they offer us an instructive dive in the France of the postwar period and the glorious Thirty. That of the third week of paid vacation, appliances that invade homes, the parents eager for TV, while the kids are a little left to themselves.

These are through the Tati modern society that grows as its objective to make us laugh. He wanders the giant figure of Monsieur Hulot (1.91 m), which disrupts the perfect ordering of the world, as in the film aired tonight. “Hulot comes to vacation and is not accepted by all of society, explains Jacques Tati. There the businessman who take care of his business, the intellectual who always wants Europe and the commander who speaks only of war. “

The success of Feast day , shot in 1947, then Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday in 1953, and the international triumph of Uncle in 1958, pushing Tati to continue his work by taking risks. “I could play ease, he says. And after Feast day “I could have done more:”… The factor attack the bank, “” The Postman marries “Everyone was satisfied” But not Its Tati film “Playtime”, released in 1967, is very ambitious. Tati engulfs his fortune to build a city decors, but the film is a failure on his works The rights sold in 1974. Only Sweden will help balance its . last film, “Parade”

Philippe Labro this word will just artist’s death in 1982 “. Adieu Monsieur Hulot is the death cries would have required the live help!”

Tip: Tati and Nicolas Hulot

Arte broadcasts five films of Tati, “The Mr. Hulot’s Holiday,” ” traffic “,” Uncle “,” Feast Day “and” Playtime “. On its website, the chain has also introduced an interactive game on the work of filmmaker and offers anecdotes, animated gifs, etc. For the record, Mr. Hulot was inspired by Jacques Tati’s grandfather Nicolas Hulot, who lived in the same building as him.


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