Thursday, December 24, 2015

JJ Abrams would have liked to make Star Wars VIII – Le Figaro

According to this actor in the cast of Force Wake , the American filmmaker had expressed regret at his absence in the upcoming feature film of the saga. However, it remains the producer of the new trilogy.

The return of Star Wars to the movies with the seventh installment of the franchise , The Force Wake was expected to turn. The bet was raised handily by the American director JJ Abrams, who had the difficult task of taking over and done with the heavy legacy of the creator of the saga, George Lucas.

But participation the filmmaker of 49 years had been recorded for a single episode, but the discovery of scenario Star Wars VIII would have made him regret this decision, an actor with whom he worked on The Awakening of the Force.

“He read it and said something he never really said. He said: This is so good, I’d love to. He must have said something like that on Lost with Damon [co-creator of the series, Ed], but I’ve never seen so many express regret, “he told Greg Grunberg, a pilot of the Resistance Star Wars VII.

Despite the success at the box office of the Force Wake and the brilliant work JJ Abrams, Rian Johnson ( Looper ) has already been designated by Disney to direct the implementation of Star Wars VIII .


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