Thursday, February 18, 2016

Tribute monster Hieronymus Bosch – The World

Le Monde | • Updated | By

This triptych (1510-1516) represents & quot; hay trolley & quot ;, framed the & quot; original & quot Sin; and & quot; & quot ;. Hell

drop everything, take your walking stick, and get ‘s-Hertogenbosch! thus in the Netherlands called ‘s-Hertogenbosch Jheronimus Y lived, or Hieronymus (Jerome) van Aken, grand-son, son, nephew and brother of painters from Aachen. – Aachen, hence their name – to settle in this rich region of Brabant.

Why rush it? Because the small Jheronimus took the name of his new city, and signed his strange paintings of Bosch name. A meteor in the history of art, the amazing world fascinated as King Philip II of Spain as the Surrealists. Local Museum, Noordbrabants Museum, took pretext of the five hundredth anniversary of his death (in 1516) to host the largest exhibition ever devoted to him seventeen paintings! . As no one knows him only twenty-four or twenty-five, we appreciate the effort

Which is financial: the exhibition, which has a hundred pieces by adding drawings and works called workshop, students or followers, cost 7 million euros. The preliminary research, which spanned nine years, another 3 million. At the initiative of the event, Dutch researchers grouped within the Bosch Research and Conservation Project. They spent the time to analyze, equipped with the most modern tools, all known works or attributed to their heroes.

, the key, a catalog raisonné (the French version published in March by Editions Actes Sud) and some discoveries – including one, media-shattering, …


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