Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Dieudonné expelled from the theater of Main d’Or by court – Le Figaro

The verdict is out, but the polemic has decided to appeal. It should continue to happen in the Parisian venue, since that appeal is suspensive.

Dieudonné could not happen at the Main d’Or where he gave performances for nearly fifteen years. Indeed, the Paris Civil Court ruled for the owners of the theater of the XIth district, who had demanded the expulsion of the polemicist and orderly “failing voluntary surrender of places, the expulsion of the Company Bonnie Productions and any occupant its leader, including the company Les Productions de la Plume, so situated 15 passage of the Main d’Or in Paris. “

However, the polemicist has decided to appeal which will prevent him immediate expulsion said François Dangléhant Reuters, since “the appeal is suspensive,” said the lawyer.

The owners of the Golden Hand criticized the controversial comedian to have sub rented the room. Their lawyer, Dominique Cohen-Trumer, had noted that when they acquired the site in 2011, the company was Bonnie Productions who held the lease. Now the operation of the room seemed in fact be made by Les Productions de la Plume.

Noting that the sublease was prohibited by the lease and that there was ” no insurance for two years, an extremely serious fault in a theater, “counsel had demanded termination of the lease and eviction of Dieudonné of the room.

The polemicist have prepared such an outcome: Sunday, September 27, he organized an open house at the theater, which he called “lowest of the low” on his Facebook page. For the occasion; he invited on stage his friend and manager, the very person who was on stage in 2008, disguised as a Jew, to deliver a Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson price.

Dieudonné could now find themselves without a base since it comes from engaging in a new legal battle against the owner of a rented room by his company in Saint-Denis, near Paris, and he was expelled.


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