Sunday, September 20, 2015

Dieudonné expelled a new theater in Seine-Saint-Denis –

On September 8, a short-term lease was signed between Les Productions de la Plume (comedian theater company Dieudonne ) and SARL Christofle Workshops. The object of the lease, a hall of 1,500 m² leased for future performances held in Saint-Denis ( Seine-Saint-Denis ).

However, Dieudonné has just been deport, the landlord of the room and felt he was misled. As stated on the The with AFP, the lease did not contain indeed the very name of the companion of Dieudonné, Noémie Mountain. And the charge of the premises to have not realized then that the room was going to be used for performances of the controversial comedian

Seine-Saint-Denis. Dieudonné expelled a room for “the vice consent “

Me Cohen, a lawyer of the owner of the room, why his client had decided to reverse: ” My client has terminated the lease in reporting a defect of consent. They are accused of having deceived us. [...] My client did not know that it was Dieudonné who was doing shows. “ Information that would thus reached him on Thursday via the caretaker of the premises.

The walled entrances and guards with dogs for safety

And the head of the room to indicate, in a statement, denied “to promote business shows that sows hatred and maintains the division between the members of the national community “. Dangléhant me, one of the lawyers

of Dieudonné, has meanwhile indicated that he intends to bring the case to court: “We see bailiff they walled entrances and installed three security guards with dogs. This is Noémie Mountain [...] who came in person to see them and sign the contract. Everyone knows who he is, just type its name on the Internet to find it ‘ is the companion of Dieudonné. “ The comedian is also within the scope of another expulsion, that of the Main d’Or theater which could be decided on September 29 at the request of its owners.



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