CINEMA Driven by André Bonnet, his lawyer and co-founder, the association, which has already attacked “Love,” “The Life of Adele” or “Fuck me,” managed to cancel the visa of exploitation of “Antichrist” …
Edit: Written August 4, 2015, after the ban of “Love” to the age of 18, this article was amended and updated December 9, 2015 and February 3, 2016 after justices of decisions “The Adele’s Life” and “Antichrist.”
Once again, censorship struck. Initially prohibited to under 16, Antichrist , the film Shock Lars von Trier, was stripped of its operating visa by the French courts. The Administrative Court of Appeal of Paris had been seized by the Promoting Association. But behind this structure, and what his fights?
Who is behind Promote?
If the website is currently unavailable and the close association of traditionalist Catholic circles communicates little is known still count it a hundred members and was founded in 1996 in Carpentras, including André Bonnet. Current lawyer of the association, man has for a time been affiliated to Bruno Mégret in on the list of the MNR (National Republican Movement) to municipal Avignon in 2001. A strong advocate of “Judeo-Christian values” opposing the opening of marriage to homosexual couples, André Bonnet would also have kept some sympathies towards the extreme right.
“ Master Bonnet missed out on cases Stranger by the Lake [Alain Guiraudie the film depicts, among others, sex between men] or video [a Serbian film about a teenage girl's sexuality] because he did not have time. If he does not have time, there is no recourse. It is an association, a man who led to debate on the classification, “stated Christophe Triollet, author of a book on The film Control in France in December to 20 Minutes .
Against what fights the association?
As his lawyer told Premiere Pro moving wants to “defend the dignity of the human person and the protection of minors, through the ‘promotion of Judeo-Christian values.” His enemy ? Sexuality and violence in cinema, “destructive” for the youngest. His goal ? Establish a system of classification of films much more severe than it is currently, one of the reasons why the association is in regular war against the classification panel of the CNC. “The commission does not endorse anything. It takes decisions contrary to common sense and the law, “said André Bonnet, as reported by Express .
” Love “film Gaspar Noah prohibited under 18
Which movies did she attacked?
Antichrist is not the first suffers -Pain to promote. In December, the association has managed to cancel the operating visa The Life of Adele . A few months earlier, she managed to prohibit under 18 Love Gaspar Noé, a film from merely prohibits those under 16 years. But it was also due to Saw 3D , horror-gore film released in 2010, banned by the Ministry of Culture for children under 16 years. After seeing his application for annulment of the operating visa rejected by the Administrative Tribunal of Paris and then by the Court of Appeal, Promoting then turned to the Council of State, which eventually proved him right and banned the film to minors.
VIDEO. The prohibition of “Saw3D” to minors scares horror film
But his victims did not stop there, particularly include Nymphomaniac Lars von Trier (2013), Ken Park Larry Clark (2002), or Fuck me Virginie Despentes and Coralie Trinh Thi (1999), radically removed from French cinemas. And Pirates of the Caribbean could also be wary. Still in the same interview with Premiere , according to André Bonnet, “some children (6-9 years) have been severely shocked by the living dead sequence of the first Pirates of the Caribbean , classified all public. ” Sensitive souls, Promote is there to protect you from the evil power of cinema

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