The 31st edition of the musical ceremony was posted on Friday, 12 February, a rather eclectic and not so predictable than expected ranking.
That seemed borrowed, the young Vianney, opening the 31st ceremony of Grammy resuming only on guitar, the emblematic title of Michel Delpech the singer . A too great song for him. Not a good start for a subtle balancing act: more than three hours of live, thanks agreed tunnels, often inane comments presenters Virginia Guilhaume and Bruno Guillon. All this to be able to hear the music played. – A rarity on French television
parcel Overview of French production, the 2016 prize list will alternate the worst and the best, devoted to a point striking the generation mix. The best sequence of the evening was undoubtedly that of the Victory of honor given to William Sheller. Author of one of the finest records of the past season, we would have been nice to find in the selection “Album of the Year”, pianist, singer and composer exception was honored in the order they appearance by singers Louane Jeanne Cherhal and Véronique Sanson. When his turn came to interpret A happy man alone at the piano, the full opera magic, as tears rolled down the cheeks of Louane.
The winners saluted all the paradoxes of the French scene
Ultra favorite in its category, the largest seller of discs of the moment returned later with a reward under revelation of ‘year. One of the few concessions the jury tele-hooks, which, contrary to predictions, not phagocytèrent evening. Damage to Jeanne Added, musician capital that we have not heard the last.
With striking contrasts, palmares greeted all the paradoxes of the French scene. The pleasing Victory of the rock album of the Innocents crowned a homemade pop that gives primacy to the songs. Special mention to Dominique A, who sang Goodbye my love with a delicacy and a rare elegance but is left empty-handed, giving Victory lartiste male to Vianney, 24 years and one album only, which would rather compete in the revelation category.
Victory independent labels
Combined with Yael Naim’s coronation in the other premier class – female performer – his victory is also that of the independent label Sooner or Late. The dominance of the multinational Universal no longer valid, thwarting the automatic predictions. With two awards for Christine and the Queens (tour and clip), extending its success, another independent replied winner, Because Music label.
The old lion Hallyday, who had played a few hours earlier in Périgueux, snatched the album of the year, sharing the trophy with his composer Maxim Nucci, alias Yodelice. But he had to give Victory Song of the Year in Master Gims with the tube undermined as never . Highly anticipated, and Nekfeu The Avener categories dominated urban music and electro, as the unclassifiable Hindi Zahra in the box too simplistic “world music”.
Summary and transition
when a complete overhaul of the categories, they no longer reflect the reality of music production? The Hyphen Hyphen electropop group and its supercharged completa the cast. A tribute to the discreet victims of the attacks of 13 November and evoking images of the career of David Bowie recalled the grief that particularly struck the musical sphere in recent months. By crowning three generations of Louane Johnny Hallyday through the Innocents, this ranking 2016 as the appearance of a possible synthesis that transition.

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