Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Agnès Saal three of his former bosses cry “lynching” – Le Figaro

The former president of the INA has worked under Alain Seban, Jean-Noël Jeanneney and Dominique Wallon … In an article in Liberation, these three former leaders public establishments try to defend his honor.

“For over a month, the Saal case saturates the media,” wrote Jean-Noël Jeanneney (former president of the BNF), Alain Seban (former President of the Centre Pompidou) and Dominique Wallon (former Director General of the CNC) who believe that “before such a lynching, the duty is to keep right, duty is to protest” .

“Agnès Saal made mistakes. It is not for us to discuss it, “added the three leaders who had Agnès Saal under their authority in the three public institutions. The signatories of this plea are of course referring to the case which never stops bouncing.

Named to head Ina in April 2014, Agnès Saal was forced to step down late in April after being pinned for having spent more than € 40,000 taxis in ten months, including 6,700 euros by his son who had its reservation code at the G7 society.

A preliminary investigation for “embezzlement aggravated public funds “for his taxi fare was opened in late May by the prosecutor of Creteil. An administrative investigation, unrelated to the preliminary investigation, is also in progress.

“With a collective outburst that continues to swell, we care to testify in his favor, because we can bear seeing, beyond the fault committed, recognized, punished, trampled its honor, “they said.

” It is our responsibility to show its limits without commitment to the collective interest and creativity in functions where we have seen at work day after day, “they add.

Wind up to defend his former employee, former president of the Center George Pompidou could put themselves in a difficult position. For Agnès Saal is again suspected of having made use of taxis for reasons “not exclusively professional” when occupied the general director of the center based National Centre for Art and Culture Georges Pompidou (NACC), 2007 2014. The Paris prosecutor was seized.

Pending a decision of justice for herself, reminded Agnes Saal is currently special assistant to the Ministry of Culture on Management Issues forecasting jobs and skills …


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