Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Morocco: the controversy “Much Loved” engages a debate on … –


Nabil Ayouch the director of “Much loved” December 9, 2013 in Hollywood (archive).

with Digital writing RTL, with AFP

Rarely has a film so unleashed passions in Morocco. But Much loved , Nabil Ayouch addresses the ultra taboo topic of prostitution in the country. A boldness that does not pass: Rabat decided to ban the film on May 26 last . Despite the veto, the debate remains lively in the Kingdom.

This work by Nabil Ayouch, presented at Cannes , addresses prostitution through the portrait of four women. The film was originally scheduled to hit theaters in the fall. But the publication of extracts on the Internet, with suggestive dances and about a sexual nature, immediately aroused controversy in a country with conservative mores.

Political Debate

Violent attacks against the film crew on social networks and during a sit-in, complaint – without result – a local association: Much loved was strongly attacked in the view . For its part, the Islamist government justified its preventive ban citing “a serious affront to moral values ​​and Moroccan women” .

The entire political class has taken over the controversy. “Nabil Ayouch has a mother, a grandmother, a sister and a wife. He should return to God and give up this work,” thundered during a meeting the head of the Istiqlal party (opposition) Hamid Chabat.

“The artistic works should be evaluated according to the criteria of creativity and not in a moralistic prism,” replied the vice president of the Chamber of Deputies, Khadija Rouissi, the Authenticity and Modernity Party (PAM, opposition).

Jennifer Lopez is also controversy

Meanwhile, the controversy over the question of morals s’ is amplified around … Jennifer Lopez. Indeed, the communication minister has condemned broadcasting a concert of the singer in Rabat on a public channel . Coming from the Islamist Justice and Development Party (PJD), Mustapha Khalfi ruled that retransmission “inadmissible” because of small outfits and suggestive dances of the “bomba latina”.

The press is also divided if Much loved ( “Zin li fik” in Arabic), including the opportunity to be treated so as flood prostitution. “Yes, prostitution exists in Morocco (…). But that is no reason to treat a sensitive subject with a provocative tone as” denounces Morocco Hebdo .

On the other hand, journalists who attended a private screening salute a film that “helps open debate” even heated. Much Loved describes “an environment that oozes misery and violence,” argues the weekly Tel Quel .

Who are the prostitutes Morocco?

In this context, some media have offered a late media a report from the Ministry of Health addressing the phenomenon of prostitution in four major cities . Social status, age at first intercourse, contraception: this 2011 study devoted to the fight against AIDS details the profile of some 19,000 prostitutes

For the rest, because of the taboo, little is. known prostitution in Morocco, which both affect the tourist cities, urban centers and rural, and men and women.

A population “hidden”

During the controversy, a prostitute, on condition of anonymity, briefly was invited to provide testimony on the radio, at a prime time.

The evenings, dances, vulgarity, “all that exists,” she acknowledged, without elaborating. “I do not understand why the company has not accepted this film. Maybe because it shows a segment of the population that prefers to keep hidden?”

DVD pirates snapped

DVDs pirates of Much loved rushes now run full” parallel market “ shows his side the site Media 24 this Wednesday, June 3 Indeed, “prohibition creates an air call” and “made sure to give more resonance to the film.” There are also many links to the full movie YouTube .

The director wants to stimulate debate

In the midst of the tumult, Nabil Ayouch defends, him of sensationalism . He said he met nearly “200 sex workers” to prepare his film in the most realistic way. “Prostitution is around us and instead of refusing to see, try to understand.”

In an interview with Le Figaro , Nabil Ayouch repeat that his only goal is “that everyone makes his opinion and that the debate should take place.” “In a way, the violent reactions (…) show that begins to take place.”

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