Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Streaming. Artists want fair pay – Ouest-France

Better late than never. Apple on Monday announced the launch in late June its offer of online music with the hope to catch up on this market against Spotify, Pandora or Deezer.

Between € 0.11 and 0.17 Shared €

But for performers, writers and French composers, the arrival of the Apple brand in the streaming market, it sounds hollow.

“The calculation is quickly made: each subscriber to the offer ‘family’, the main Apple announcement (note: $ 14.99 / month for 6 persons of the same household) , and bring 0,11EUR between 0.17EUR / month to share between all the artists listened “, says Adami, the management company of intellectual property of performers, in a statement.

Adami wants a law?

To protect artists, she wants a specific law for online music offerings. “It is urgent that France join the US and Spain by implementing mandatory collective management of digital artists to give back to their proper place, in an industry whose aftermath could sing again” , says Adami.

“The launch of Apple Music is a major event for music and streaming in particular. If Apple Music can be an opportunity for the music industry, it must be for all the links in the chain. However, it deteriorates a little more compensation artists. “

To a fair remuneration

In November last Adami revealed that a subscription streaming to 9.99 € / month, € 0.46 is to be distributed among all listened to artists.

In May, for the first time, organizations 130 500 000 European artists gathered around the campaign “For Fair Internet Performers” for fair treatment of performers in the digital environment.

Under EU legislation (in particular Directive 2001/29 / EC) the authorization of the performers is necessary for the provision of services such as video on demand, interactive streaming or downloading music or films by commercial operators. “An unfortunately remained without practical effect legislation” , regrets the coalition.


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