Presented in world premiere, the gangster thriller Black Mass Scott Cooper was highly appreciated by the audience. The American actor, who plays mob boss Jimmy Bulger Boston, received a standing ovation by the audience.
Johnny Depp arrives at the conference Press Black Mass with a bottle of beer out of place among the wise small bottles of water lined up on the table. From the outset, he mentioned alcohol, and this casts a cold light, a small white paralyzing questions. “Good jokes the actor pretending to leave. So we just said … “
The introduction, after all, not so bad with his pale, icy Scott Cooper character in the film. It portrays the gangster Jimmy Bulger, who dominated the Irish mob in Boston in the 1980s with such implacable brutality discreet. A plunge into the heart of evil? “Evil and I are old friends, says Johnny Depp. Long ago that I felt in me. But no one looks in the mirror in the morning and say “I’m bad.” It’s more complicated …. “” Johnny is the sweetest and most charming man I know, “Scott Cooper comes as to avoid confusion and interprets the character.
Both have worked the look of Jimmy Bulger, to also make similar as possible. “The roles in transforming interest me because it’s always a challenge. My movie heroes are John Barrymore, Actors Marlon Brando … that could be transformed completely. And it is a special responsibility to play a real person, he acts well or badly, we must assume all its complexity, “says the actor.
Scott Cooper, make this film gangster in the context of the city of Boston had a special attraction: “It was criminal that we could not identify. And that is really fascinating. “Nothing remote or flamboyant. They blend into the landscape. Not like Johnny Depp, highly acclaimed by the crowd, the Lido. The ups and downs of his career did not affect its popularity. “I never tried to attract fans, he said, but I am touched by the warm welcome. The audience is my real boss. “

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