Tuesday, November 17, 2015

After the posters characters, The Hunter and the ice queen is revealed with a pre-teaser – Screenrush

You thought you were going to see a fairy tale? Think again! This is essentially the message that wants to pass this short teaser Hunter and Queen ice pending the trailer that must fall tomorrow.

“If it’s a fairy tale that you hope, expect to be surprised!” That’s the message firmly told by the teaser of the Hunter and the ice queen, revealing in passing some spectacular pictures, promising pure moments of bravery.

There are in this teaser, (published on behalf Twitter Universal ) the whimsical Hunter portrayed by Chris Hemsworth, Ravenna the evil embodied by Charlize Theron and the newcomers, Jessica Chastain in the role of a mysterious warrior and Emily Blunt in skin of the ice queen.

Meanwhile the trailer to be unveiled tomorrow (re) discover the posters movie characters.

Snow White and the Huntsman 2: character posters and a new title


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