“As you get older, I keep my curiosity. And the curiosity is envy. Optimism”. This almost philosophical quote from Ettore Scola, from an interview granted in 2010 to Nice Matin could summarize his work. The director of masterpieces such as A Special Day or We All Loved Each Other So Much, died Tuesday at 84, was a prolific author, and the many passions commitments. The Express comes on sometimes unknown aspects of his personality.
Press Designer
Ettore Scola was studying law. But very soon it is to the media that he is heading. In the late 1940s, his first job was none other than a cartoonist. He participated in a humor magazine, the satirical weekly Marc’Aurelio , before embarking in the cinema. “This newspaper has played a very important role in Italy, a bit like home Charlie Hebdo or Le Canard chained . Marc’Aurelio , which the draw has reached half a million copies, was a true island of freedom. Of course, there was fascism, censorship was vigilant but in the pages of this newspaper, would sneak a sense of rebellion “, explained -it in Le Monde in 2013. At his side, there are other emblematic feathers as his friend Federico Fellini. In June 2012, Ettore Scola even exhibited his famous cartoons in Paris. In an interview with Le Figaro , he always entrusts draw “enormously”. “It is an instrument in addition, very useful. This helps give the sketches to the writers, the costumers, for photography. I still do. Automatically. Even when I talk on the phone without specific purpose.”
STORIES & gt; & gt; 2011: Ettore Scola bids farewell to the cinema
Writer rather than director
If Ettore Scola has made nearly 40 films in 40 years, man fell in the realization by chance. Surprisingly, he regretted having abandoned his screenwriting craft. “It’s [Vittorio] Gassman almost forced me to make this film [ We All Loved Each Other So Much ], I was pleased. Unfortunately, I thus became director and j ‘ have abandoned the writer by trade, regretfully: write a scenario, it is a more intellectual work, home alone While the director is the one who has all the shit, everyone comes to see you. ask you lots of questions. Director, is a slave trade! “, reported the Belgian newspaper The Province .
Indeed, he signed twenty scenarios, including many comedies. From 1953 to 1965, he is the author of three films in 1965 including The Gaucho Dino Rossi. He started as “script doctors”, script consultant. “Yes, I did the negro for people like Dino Risi, Ugo Tognazzi, Vittorio Gassman and Marcello Mastroianni, but never my name to appear. I also wrote for popular actor Toto -Huge Italy- but it was horror writing for him! “, comments reported by The Province .
A path strewn with awards
Nominated several times for an Oscar, it is in Europe Ettore Scola is spent. It receives no less than four Cesars in 1977, 1978 and two in 1984, but also six silver ribbons in Italy in 1966, 1978, 1980, 1981 and two in 1987. Ettore Scola is also winning in Berlin with Bear silver in 1984, or the Venice Film Festival in 1990 and 2013, and of course the Cannes Film Festival in 1976 and 1980. It will also be the jury president in 1988.
Engaged in Politics
Ettore Scola is a leftist convinced, near the Italian Communist Party of Enrico Berlinguer and more recently the Democratic Party. In the early 70s, he even made documentaries for the PC, including the festival of Unita, the newspaper of the party, or emblematic struggles. It even becomes Minister of Culture of a shadow cabinet formed in 1989 by Italian communist leaders.
In 2004, a replica of Silvio Berlusconi angered the director. Former Berlusconi declared in particular that the evidence of his liberalism was that [knows] making movies as a communist Ettore Scola. “Indignant, Ettore Scola promised not to make film as Berlusconi was in power. In 2012, in a portrait of Libération , it says more about his involvement with the Communist Party. “It was like a shield, we were anchored in our faith and confidence in our values, then all collapsed. But if the ideology is dead, there is the ideas, and the dream of a more just world, “stated the director then, delighted to see the Indignados take over.
France Lovers
Receipts on TV and radio trays, rewarded many times at Cannes and Caesars, Ettore Scola love France. Fifteen films are also co Franco-Italian -Productions. He also turned many French actors such as Jean-Louis Trintignant, Serge Reggiani or Fanny Ardant, Philippe Noiret or Gérard Depardieu.

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