“My mom is the best” , but Vanessa Paradis is not bad neither. According to a survey for OpinionWay Gema Prevention Network, the French actress and singer topped a list of 49 individuals to embody the best “mother who provides” daily. With 25% of votes, ahead of Vanessa Paradis, Sunday, May 31 in the “Mother’s Day” actress Sophie Marceau (20%) and artist Charlotte Gainsbourg (17%).
resourcefulness and intelligence are the two main criteria used by the French surveyed, 83% are preferred role of mother combining work and private life, against 14% preferring mothers who fully devote to their children.
Among the mothers of children less than 10 years, Vanessa Paradis also ranks in first place (32%), followed by actress Florence Foresti (24%) and journalist Melissa Theuriau (20%). Former girlfriend of Johnny Depp, Vanessa Paradis had two children with the American actor, now aged 16 and 12 years, recalls the Parisian site.
“Vanessa Paradis is the antithesis of vociferous mother, stressed and pointed at homework, says Ronan Chastellier sociologist at Paris. On the contrary, it gives off a positive aura, a distanced perspective. It is the mother who goes to fashion shows mode with her daughter, but has also long protected the paparazzi, who raises her children just within his group of friends. “
Survey conducted online, from 6 to 11 May with a sample of 1,006 people representative of the French population aged 18 and over.
The French have decided: Vanessa Paradis is the best, in 2015, the image of the “ mom that ensures .” A nice surprise for the actress 45 years, mother of two children (Lily-Rose, 16, and Jack, 12 years) with Mother’s Day on Sunday, France. On fifty celebrities, she who sits at the head of a survey Opinion Way / Gema published in Le Parisien. For 25% of the French, the former Johnny Depp is “ the antithesis of vociferous mother, stressed and pointed at homework. Rather, it gives off a positive aura, a distanced perspective. It is the mother who goes to fashion shows with her daughter but also long protected the paparazzi, who raises her children simply in the middle of his gang , “the sociologist Ronan Chastellier. Second place went to Sophie Marceau with 20% of votes followed by Charlotte Gainsbourg which took third place with 17% of the vote.
Finally, Florence Foresti and Melissa Theuriau are placed in fourth. The comedian and journalist arrive tied with 16% of votes.
MEDIA The most prestigious award of French journalism was awarded this Saturday in Brussels …
Luc Mathieu, and Cécile Allegra Delphine Deloget, winners of Albert Londres 2015 – EMMANUEL DUNAND / AFP
20 Minutes with AFP
The Albert Londres 2015, most prestigious award of French journalism, was awarded Saturday in Brussels to see Libération Luc Mathieu, for stories of jihad, and Allegra-duo Cécile Delphine Deloget, authors of a report on the appalling human trafficking which affects Eritreans.
The three winners are French, although the association of Albert Londres Prize has chosen for the first time in 77 years of existence to award its laurels in the Belgian capital, in particular to emphasize the international nature of the award.
Luc Mathieu rewarded for his series of articles about jihad
Luc Mathieu, born in 1974 and reporter for Libération since 2011 After studying journalism at Lille, was awarded for a series of articles about jihad made in Syria, Kurdistan and Iraq and dealing with both of those who are victims of jihad, of those fighting and those who lead it.
“Do not forget Syria”
Chosen from 67 candidates, of which ten were selected in the final, Luc Mathieu was “noted for several years by the strength of his work on perilous terrain of current events,” showing “a constant talent,” noted the jury.
“We must not forget Syria, he must not leave the country destroy itself without saying, we must continue to go there, “despite a” level of risk exceeds the limits of tolerable “for journalists, launched Luc Mathieu receiving his price.
Libération offers on its website extracts and links six reports of Luc Mathieu .
Cécile Allegra and Delphine Deloget and hell experienced by Eritrean refugees
Cécile Allegra and Delphine Deloget for their part, won the 31st award in the category “audiovisual” for ” . barbarity traveling “Memento production broadcast in France on the channel Public Sénat 18 October 2014 and will be broadcast Monday
Télérama offers to see the documentary online until Tuesday, June 3:
“Albert Londres denounced the scourge of slavery in his time but the scandal of human trafficking still exists the next century. Delphine Deloget and Cécile Allegra reveal the inhumane treatment suffered by Eritreans in Sinai. A fist full of story, however modesty and dignity, “said the jury.
” With Delphine, we saw absolute evil, difficult to reproduce, “said, visibly moved, Cécile Allegra , referring to the “torture camps that were set up on the other side of the Mediterranean”.
10,000 Eritreans would never Sinai income
Their story tells hell experienced by some 3-4000 Eritreans who each month flee their country into neighboring Sudan. Some of them are removed in the desert, sold and taken into the Egyptian Sinai, where they undergo terrible tortures “until they die” or their relatives pay exorbitant ransoms of up $ 50,000 per person. A study cited by the two French journalists, say at 50,000 the number of Eritreans went through the Sinai over the past five years, 10,000 never returned.
Cécile Allegra, born in 1976, realizes reports and documentaries in the written press and television for thirteen years with two interests: the condition of men in war and the evolution of mafias in Europe. Delphine Deloget, born in 1974, documentary filmmaker making films since 2003, including “Who remembers Minik?” And “No London Today” (which already dealt with the case of Eritrean refugees, this time at Calais).
Established in 1933 in honor of the French journalist (1884-1932), father of the great modern story, the prestigious award annually recognizes the best newspaper reporter, and since 1985, the best reporter audiovisual, under 40 years.
This will give he balm to the soul of Renaud, still plagued by his demons? Does it be enough to prompt the artist to compose new songs from his refuge in the Isle sur la Sorgue? The words of Renaud, away from the circuit for several years, always talk to the French who come to designate his Mistral winner as their “favorite song of all time,” according to a BVA-regional Doméo-Presse survey (1). Renaud even the luxury to get ahead of the “big Jacques” since its nostalgic ballad ranks highest (25.7% of the votes) to precisely Ne me quitte pas Jacques Brel (25.2%) and The Black Eagle . Barbara (22.5%)
& gt; 1- Regional Poll BVA-Doméo clipboard conducted by telephone on 29 and 30 April at 1028 people representative of the population aged 18 and over.
French Tripled for the prestigious Albert press price -London
The Albert Londres Prize 2015 was awarded yesterday to the French Luc Mathieu, refer to Libération, for articles about jihad and duo Cécile Allegra-Deloget Delphine, the French authors of a report on the appalling human trafficking which affects Eritreans. Created in 1933 in tribute to the French journalist Albert Londres (1884-1932), the most prestigious award of French journalism annually honors the top two newspaper reporters and audiovisual less than 40 years.
Berlusconi deceives rally
campaign for local elections today, Berlusconi went Friday night at a meeting of his left opponents near Milan. “Young people, I trust you, vote all Paolo,” commented the candidate of Forza Italia, unaware that he was supporting Paolo Micheli, supported by the Democratic Party Matteo Renzi. The candidate of Forza Italia, Tecla Fraschini, held meeting in the large multi-purpose municipal hall.
A large survey released this Saturday, May 30 reveals that the favorite song of the French is none other than “ Mistral winner ” Renaud. The declaration of a tender father to his daughter was written by singer there almost thirty years without suspecting that she would never conquer the hearts of the French. “ This is an extremely timeless song either in his text, in inspiration or even in music ,” said Didier Varrod, music director at France Inter.
“ Mistral winner ” just ahead of the unforgettable Jacques Brel song “ Do not leave me “, written in 1959 after a separation. Third, “ The Black Eagle ” Barbara released in 1970. The French were therefore placed on the podium three text songs, preferring this old repertoire to newer titles. Only song of the 2000s to enter the competition, “ Papaoutai ” Stromae. The young Belgian moved up to 13th place.
The daily Libération journalist Luc Mathieu and duo Cécile Allegra and Delphine Deloget for a report broadcast by the channel French Public Senat, won the Albert Londres Prize 2015, said Saturday in Brussels the jury of the most prestigious award of French journalism. Luc Mathieu, reporter for Libération since 2011, was awarded for a series of articles about jihad made in Syria, Kurdistan and Iraq, said the jury has met for the first time in the Belgian capital. Its award-winning reporting and portraits, published in the French daily center-left, address both of those who are victims of jihad, of those fighting and those who lead it.
reporter Liberation, born in 1974, was “noted for several years by the strength of his work on perilous terrain of current events”, demonstrating “a constant talent,” noted the association of the Albert Londres Prize. “Do not forget Syria, he must not leave the country destroy itself without saying so, we must continue to go there”, despite a “level of risk that exceeds the limits of what is tolerable” for journalists launched Luc Mathieu in receiving the award.
Cécile Allegra and Delphine Deloget won the 31st award in the category “audiovisual” for “barbarity Trip”, a Memento producing broadcast on the French channel Public Sénat 18 in October 2014 and will be rebroadcast on Monday at midday. “Albert Londres denounced the scourge of slavery in his time but the scandal of human trafficking still exists the next century. Deloget Delphine and Cécile Allegra reveal the inhumane treatment suffered by Eritreans in Sinai. A hit reporting However fist full of modesty and dignity, “said the jury.
” With Delphine, we saw absolute evil, difficult to reproduce, “said, visibly moved, Cécile Allegra, referring to the “torture camps that were set up on the other side of the Mediterranean”. Created in 1933 in tribute to the French journalist (1884-1932), father of the great modern story, the prestigious award annually recognizes the best newspaper reporter, and since 1985, the best reporter audiovisual, less than 40 years.
The famous ballad Renaud was voted “French song of all time” before Do not leave me by Jacques Brel and The Black Eagle Barbara.
Renaud could not dream of a better gift for the thirty years of his famous Mistral Winner . This title published in 1985 has been named “French favorite song of all time,” according to a BVA-Doméo regional newspaper poll published on Saturday *.
This famous nostalgic ballad, written by Renaud for her daughter Lolita, ahead in the hearts of the equally famous French Do not leave me by Jacques Brel and The Black Eagle Barbara. The result of this survey shows that even if the singer walked away from 63 studios and stages for several years, the French have not forgotten.
Éponyme Renaud seventh album released in 1985, Mistral winner was repeated by many artists over the past three decades, Yves Duteil Lara Fabian not passing Jean-Louis Aubert and Coeur de Pirate. The title of this song comes from an old candy that had gone before Renaud does not record this song. Hesitant to be included on his album because the ruling “too personal” and “shameless”, the French singer had been convinced at the time by his wife. After the Renaud has sung her on the phone from his recording studio, the latter had replied: “If you do not put this song on the next album, I’m leaving you.”
Individuals Respondents in this survey by BVA-Doméo-regional press had to choose three titles in a list of thirty songs drawn from a previous survey. Mistral winner , with 25.7% of the votes, ahead of a very short head Do not leave me Brel (25.2%) and The Black Eagle Barbara (22.5%). After The lakes of Connemara Michel Sardou, There by Jean-Jacques Goldman and The mountain Jean Ferrat.
If Renaud won the title of “favorite French songs of all time” with Mistral winner is however Jean-Jacques Goldman, which is assigned to one “favorite singer of French” to Jacques Brel and Georges Brassens. Renaud ranks fifth. On the women’s side, Edit Piaf which has been designated “favorite singer” to Barbara and Celine Dion.
* The survey was conducted by telephone from April 29 and 30 d a sample of 1,028 people representative of the French population aged 18 years and over (quota method).
Pierre Lescure has not been filled by the Cannes Festival in 2015 and believe the sequence of criticism and dissatisfaction.
Pierre Lescure / Photo Credit: Wikimedia – Siren-Com
Pierre Lescure was an iconic figure at Cannes 2015, as it has some weight in the world of cinema. Indeed, this man is still the creator of Canal + and is at the head of Hollywood studios. Therefore, when sharing his discontent and critical chains, ears tend to listen to his words. This edition was also important because it was the cap of the President and therefore he decided to confide in particular on the things that could offend them during these few days of cinema, glitter and stars.
Pierre Lescure was amazed at some critical early
Pierre Lescure has not been packaged by the critics dedicated to cinema and especially those disclosed to the law of the market, because according to the president of the Cannes Film Festival 2015 it is impossible to share such contempt. These confidences were made in an interview with Jean-Claude Raspiengeas in La Croix and believes that this annual event has to undergo some changes. Therefore, in the company of Thierry Frémaux, the duo tries to reflect a change in particular in order to live the festival all throughout the year and not just for a few days.
The critical journalism Pierre Lescure after Cannes 2015
Pierre Lescure has also responded to criticism at the press conference. According to some, the president of the 2015 edition of Cannes “ allowed to enter the merchants in the temple .” He wants to respond to these criticisms by stating that these newspapers that attack are usually the same people who are behind publications showcasing advertisements for the luxury industry. He also shares his vis-à-vis discontent of journalists, some harm to the profession on the reviews and judgments considered excessive and hasty.
Asked by the daily Cross , former journalist shared his impressions rather mixed, on his first experience as a new president of the festival.
Pierre Lescure was his first this year as president of the Cannes Film Festival. He delivered daily Cross his first impressions. As qu’habitué festival (there just since 1977), he enjoyed being able to attend the deliberations of the jury – a “phenomenal gift” in his words.
He was full of praise not about organizing the festival: “It is extraordinary, exceptionally effective. Thank you to Gilles Jacob and Thierry Frémaux for having brought the festival to this level of service quality for movie lovers. “
However, he said he was” struck by several things. ” And more generally by journalists covering the festival and some attacks have “stunned”. He said that “too many critics write that for them and some buddies. You can not display such contempt, never use words harsh enough to disqualify some and totally excessive praise to others, live in this closed circuit and ignore the dynamic reality of the 7th art. “
On the question of media coverage of the Festival, he returned again to the charge: “Everything is accelerating. The immediacy leads to hasty judgments, Excessive, permanent. Critics tweet during the screenings. What worries me in this media Barnum is the disjunction between what it shows and real to those who love the cinema waiting. It does not give them what interests them. “In the wise …
Among the films that have come out this Wednesday in cinema, there is that of Henry Hobson “Maggie” with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Abigail Breslin and Joely Richardson in the leading roles, or the story of a man willing to do anything to save his daughter. A film rather well received by critics while some criticize him to miss some action. At the same time once Schwarzenegger proposes something else.
From our side we were more impressed and pleasantly surprised by the play of the actor who proves here he can do something other than type and / or shoot anything that moves. Touching, even moving, Arnold Schwarzenegger excels in this role
The story in a nutshell: While a terrible pandemic spreads across the US the government imposes placing patients infected with the virus in quarantine, where they will turn into zombies, completely cut off from the world. When Maggie (Abigail Breslin), 16, learns that she has been infected, she ran away. But his father, Wade Vogel (ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER), is determined to find it and protect it at all costs, even if he has to face the police …
For now the film n has not really aroused enthusiasm among French viewers. He even took a little hammering in the first Parisian sessions 14 hours with only 365 spectators.
To give you maybe want to go find out, here are two videos now. Firstly the last French trailer. It will be followed by an excerpt from the film “The transformation”
HEALTH “I am indeed sick, it is difficult,” said the writer …
Max Gallo , historian, academician in 2014. – IBO / SIPA
20 Minutes with AFP
The writer and academician Max Gallo, 83, said Thursday that he was suffering from Parkinson’s disease, saying at that time that “always we have the freedom to do away with ourselves.” “I am indeed sick, it is difficult,” said the writer, interviewed on RTL to mark the release of his next novel, God willing .
“The disease totally changes the writer’s relationship with himself, with other writers and with the world as it is,” said Max Gallo, who will not attend Thursday afternoon at the enthronement the writer Dany Laferrière at the French Academy.
“We believe immortal and is not”
He spoke of “the feeling of freedom that s’ erase “before the disease. “We are forced to sit in a certain way, you get up, being careful not to get it on in a rug … little discomfort,” he has said. The main fear is to have to “withdraw completely in every sense of the word,” said the biographer of Charles de Gaulle and Napoleon.
“We believe immortal and is not” has he said with a hint of bitterness. “The non-immortality is a difficult surprise to reject,” he added. In this “difficult period” faith is “a help”, he said while expressing his “doubts”.
A new book project
” We always have the freedom to do away with ourselves, “he has said recognizing that this view was” contested and questionable questionable “. “Nevertheless, it is a freedom given to us even if it is difficult to conquer and debatable,” he insisted. “This is a manifestation of God’s care and giving this freedom also said that one can renounce it.”
About his work, Max Gallo recalled that he had just released two books and hoped to release a new by the end of the year.
The British singer met her wax double at the evening of Thursday, May 28 at London museum.
After The wild success of his latest album x Ed Sheeran deserved to be immortalized at Madame Tussauds waxworks equivalent of Paris. The wax figure was unveiled on the evening of Thursday, May 28 at a ceremony in London in the presence of the artist. She will join the collection of music stars and will take place next to Stromae of One Direction or David Bowie.
To achieve this life-size sculpture of the interpreter I See Fire gave him. More than 250 measures have been taken. Sculptors lingered long on her eyes, hair color and tattoos to recreate identically. The working session was punctuated by a surprise concert of Ed Sheeran. The artist revealed that day in the studio of Madame Tussauds was one of the strangest experiences of his life. “They made me wear gray shorts close to the body and a tight jacket which also did not allow much room for imagination. They took my measurements for three hours and have all filmed. It was a bit strange, “said Ed Sheeran in an interview for the show The One Show BBC last January.
The British musician gave several of his clothes but also one of his guitars, Martin, to make the most authentic figure. The result is impressive. The singer showed his surprise by discovering the statue. “She’s very well made, they even got my lazy eye,” said he said before taking a picture next to his double.
VIDEOS – Diastème The film saw its reduced distribution because of a risk of controversy. This is however not the first feature film to be interested in the ultra-nationalist violence.
Who’s afraid of skinheads movies ? First answer: cinema managers, according to the controversy about the new film Diastème (aka Patrick Aste), A French . Fifty previews feature film have been canceled before its release scheduled on June 10 Only nine cinemas, which Devosge in Dijon, showing their support to French director and will show the film on June 8
The subject, which seems to have trouble finding its place in the current French climate terrorizing farmers who fear controversy. A French tells on twenty years, the story of a young skinhead rage in the Paris suburbs, which will gradually renounce violence and engage in altruism. In short, the story of a “bastard who will try to become a good person.”
According to our criticism of Le Figaro which is one of few people to have seen the film (and not just the short trailer of a minute), the feature of Diastème not lack of interest, despite some lengths, and strength to “usefully reflect on the rough and violent extremist attitudes that ignite the suburbs. Lots of noise and fear, therefore, for a film that ultimately could have a real ideological reach? It is important to note that in France, if the ultranationalist skinheads are increasingly rare, they have not completely disappeared. The latest example: in 2014 the arrest of suspected members of a neo-Nazi group in the Doubs, who said they were “ready to take action” to defend their ideals
The skinheads. do feasted cinema since the 1980s Some films are even today considered classics of cinema. A French does not handle estimation of an unpublished subject. What is new is the discomfort it engendered and the boycott which he is subject. A silence that speaks volumes …