Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Saw 3D The Final Chapter: 5 years after its release, the film banned in … – Premiere.fr Cinema

The State Council has banned it Saw 7 five years after its release? In a decision dated 1 June 2015, Saw 3D: The Final Chapter (it sounds better in French than Saw 7) lost its operating visa. The Council of State considers that the prohibition of the film (archetypal torture porn with scenes of torture well gore ) to the age of sixteen years with the warning “This film has a large number of particularly realistic torture scenes and great brutality or savagery” was finally too low. Saw 3D: The Final Chapter was released in France on 10 November 2010, and had collected 573,085 spectators in the average results in the series of rooms

The association promoting. sought annulment of the visa and launched proceedings against that decision. After two failures (at adminstratif court and court of appeal), Promoting had lodged an appeal and the State Council has just prove them right. The Council of State found that the film contained numerous scenes of extreme violence, filmed with realism and showing in particular the repeated acts of torture and barbarism, which may offend the sensibilities minor “, a statement of the Council summarizing the decision. “The texts providing, in such cases, the prohibition of the public release of the film to all minors, the Council overturned the decision of the Minister ” to issue a license to permit the film .

This excerpt explains in detail the reasons for the decision: “it is clear from the file that the movie SAW 3D The Final Chapter has a large number of scenes filmed with great realism, showing repeated acts of torture and barbarity and representative, particularly complacent manner, the excruciating suffering, both physical and psychological, of the victims taken in traps, developed by a killer, they are encouraged to mutilate themselves or to escape death, or to save loved ones; that such scenes, but not characterize incitement to violence, include a representation of the nature of violence offend the sensibilities of minors and thus justify a ban on the film to minors of eighteen years; that as a result, the Minister of Culture has committed an error of assessment in prohibiting the broadcast of the film at issue for minors sixteen “.

However, Saw 3D is not forbidden strict sense No. The decision of the Council of State does not imply that the Minister Culture takes the necessary measures to withdraw the disputed movie theaters “, the statement concluded. ” It only requires that the Minister of Culture shall review the case and issue a new license to permit more restrictive than the initial visa. “ The film may therefore be prohibited under 18 but not X-rated and thus operated in normal rooms (and obviously on DVD and Blu-ray).

thing is that Promote says on its website is intended to provide “the promotion of Judeo-Christian values ​​in all areas of social life” , fighting against pornography while relaying conspiracy theories about cloning, warnings about abortion and about the dangers of “the avant-garde art” (like Piss Christ Andres Serano, in particular). So be warned of the reactionary motives of the association which had already fought against exploitation in rooms Fuck me (2000).

As a reminder, in February 2014, the Administrative Court had tightened the bolts of the two parts of Lars Von Trier’s Nymphomaniac by raising their bans a notch each:

& gt; & gt; & gt; “No simulated sex”, “sadomasochism”, “extreme violence” Nymphomaniac Volume 1 & amp; 2 seen by the judge


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