Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Saw 3D The Final Chapter. The film gives nightmares to the Board of … – Ouest-France

A Machiavellian killer nicknamed “the killer of the puzzle” imposes challenges cruel to his victims based sadistic tortures. Since the theatrical release of the first game in 2005, movies of the Saw series ( Jigsaw in the original version) agitate the nights of moviegoers.

At the request of the association Promoting the seventh film in the saga, Final Chapter Saw 3D Kevin Greutert, was deprived of license to permit, on the recommendation of the State Council.

“The Council of State found that the film contained many scenes of great violence, filmed with realism and showing in particular the repeated acts of torture and barbarism, which may offend the sensibilities of minors. “ the statement of the institution.

The association which promote ” gives purpose to promote Judeo-Christian values ​​in all areas of social life ” had already seized the Council of State in 2000 to claim the rank “X” film Fuck me Virginie Despentes. More recently the association had requested a review of the classification of Nymphomaniac and Antichrist Lars Von Trier or Life of Adele d Abdellatif Kechiche.

A brutal

At its theatrical release on 10 November 2010 the Committee visa and film classification was prohibits the horror film viewers under 16 years old with a warning that the film featured “many particularly realistic torture scenes and great brutality or savagery.”

Among other challenging scenes filmed in Saw 3D The Final Chapter , we find the main character who finds his wife chained by the neck in a metal cage, surrounded by electrified wire. He must hang hooks to his chest and climb using a chain to connect two ends of a decision that will allow him to save his wife …

Each of the films the series were banned at least 16 years when they release in France, with the exception of Saw 4 , directed by Darren Bousman, allowed only to major audience.

What action?

The decision of the Council of State does not prohibit the dissemination of the released film, there is already 5 years. It is now the Ministry of Culture to decide on the follow-up to this recommendation.

Operating visas movies, that is to say, the authorization to project the public, are granted by decision of the Minister. This is linked to Article L211-1 of film and the moving image of the Code which provides that the visa can be denied for “on grounds of the protection of children or youth or respect for human dignity. “

Meanwhile, the ” jigsaw killer “ should continue to give cold sweats to fans of horror films . When asked by the site Shocktillyoudrop at the 10 th anniversary of the first film, Mark Burg and Oren Koules, producers of the horror saga, announced their intention to start work on an eighth component for 2016 .

What are the opinion that can make the film classification board?

films released in France in the dining room are classified according to five options provided for in Article 3 of Decree No. 90-174 of 23 February 1990:

& gt; all public

& gt; together with a ban for minors 12 years

& gt; together with a ban on children below 16

& gt; together with a ban on children under 18

& gt; the committee may propose a complete ban of the film (the ban has not been applied since 1980)

The commission may also propose a classification X for pornographic movies or inciting violence.


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