Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Zoom Alice Pol, radiant heroine who is the strongest … – Screenrush

Focus on Alice Pol, radiant heroine who is the strongest of Charlotte de Turckheim!

By Vincent Formica ▪ Wednesday, June 3, 2015 – There are 41 minutes

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Alice Pol is part of this new generation of comic actresses who gradually take power in the French cinematographic landscape. Back on the career of this young actress as bright as much as sparkling.

Alice Pol

Alice Pol was born on the island of Reunion before flying to Marseille where she lives and grows. As a teenager, the young Alice decides to take acting classes and flourishes on the boards.

After graduating Literary BAC, the future actress took courses in law school and art history but prefers to escape to Paris to scour the castings. The young woman eventually settle down permanently in the capital to pursue her movie dreams.

After a difficult period, lonely in Paris, she is unable to break through, the actress finally sees his efforts rewarded. It is indeed in 2003 that is illustrated in Fragile , a TV movie. Gradually, the actress begins to come forward and landed small roles in series Julie Lescaut, Ma Terminal and more beautiful life.

But Alice does not happen to really make a name and decided in 2006 to mount her own one-woman show. She writes and therefore interprets It’s all right … or vice versa and knows a critical and public success that allows him to clear a path to the cinema.

It is done in 2008 when the filmmakers Jean-Patrick Benes and Allan Mauduit turn to it to embody in Jessica Vilaine. The bubbly Alice shines alongside Marilou Berry and Frédérique Bel and the actress finally sees scenarios proposals pouring into his mailbox. With the success of the film (more than 1 million entries!), Alice sees his agenda to fill as much as on a big television screen.

Alice alongside Vilaine Marilou Berry

Vilaine Trailer

The young woman then made appearances in the series and Mafiosa Under the sun while browsing movie sets with the romantic comedy Just a little of @ mour and Playful drama in which she starred with Sandrine Bonnaire and Kevin Kline. In 2010, the actress continues to explore his comic potential in a mad desire which she starred with Clovis Cornillac and Romantics Anonymous which she played Adele alongside Benoît Poelvoorde.

2012 was a year hinge Alice Pol . Indeed, the artist is engaged by Pascal Chaumeil to lend his mischievous face character Corinne’s sister Diane Kruger in Perfect Plan comedy starring Dany Boon. Success is with go with more than one million entries and Alice Pol is a known name French film landscape

Alice Pol Corinne embodied in Plan A Perfect

Therefore, the young thirty string of comedies. She does speak his talent by finding Marilou Berry for Josephine and joined the cast of Au bonheur des ogres, adaptation of the novel by Daniel Pennac by Nicolas Bary with Raphaël Personnaz and Bérénice Bejo in casting.

A new twist in his career takes place in 2014 when Dany Boon offers her the female lead in his new comedy, Supercondriaque. The young woman performer Anna, sister of the character played by Kad Merad. With over five million entries, the film is a huge success and propels the firmament actresses Alice comedies that count.

Alice Pol micro AlloCiné for Supercondriaque

Dany Boon Interview

The next year is logically fruitful for Alice. She is the headliner of the new film Charlotte de Turckheim, Who’s the strongest? This comedy tells the story of Samantha, a young woman trying to fight by chaining the odd jobs to avoid losing custody his little sister. It also changes register for television by turning Extinct, poignant drama about the disappearance of a child. She starred with other comedians used against type, Demaison Francis Xavier and Pierre-François Martin-Laval.

  • Our interview with Alice Pol, Audrey Lamy and Charlotte de Turckheim IN HERE

Soon, the beautiful Alice Pol will return to comedy and will share the stage with Jean Dujardin in a More then join the cast of Danièle Thompson Inseparable alongside Guillaume Gallienne and Guillaume Canet.

Who is the strongest in theaters June 3, 2015

Who’s the strongest? Trailer


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