Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Who’s the strongest? Meeting with Charlotte De Turckheim … – Screenrush

On the occasion of the release of “Who is the strongest?”, The new human and social comedy Charlotte de Turckheim, Allociné met the filmmaker and her two actresses, Alice Pol and Audrey Lamy.

Screenrush: Your film is an adaptation of the play “Sunderland” Clement Koch, what reasoned in you when you discovered this room and gave you the desire to adapt to the cinema

Charlotte de Turckheim: I had an immediate lightning strike I laughed so much so that the text dealt with so deep subjects. It was a kind of spectacle which I had rarely witnessed. That is to say, he spoke lightly of serious things and things light with gravity. We find this also in a room like “Father Christmas is a junk” the Splendid, even if it is more grating, as we laugh to people who are close to suicide. But in “Sunderland”, there was also a humanity that touched me and gave me the desire to adapt

Screenrush:. What -which attracted you to this project after reading the script

Audrey Lamy: I found the rich history, with strong topics both social and human and very well defined characters. Modern girls who fight and who act rather than submit. There were many positive that was conveyed in the script and that’s a beautiful array of game that was offered

Alice Pol. Personally, I find it’s important to treat such essential topics as comedy prism. And it is above all the courage and the will to always go ahead of those characters that made me excited.

Screenrush: Is it not a risk of mixing genres (humor, social, emotion)

Charlotte de Turckheim I do not really think in terms of risk. In fact, we do not choose a subject, the subject that chooses you. I thought so often in this story that I told myself I could not miss. So, I do not ask myself the question of risk. Anyway, it is risky to make a film, as it is risky to live. If we stop the risk, we do not advance. And it happens anything interesting in the security zone. I always choose the unknown rather than ease because you can only have good surprises.

Audrey Lamy, Alice Pol

Screenrush: Aesthetically, the film contrasts with very gray images and other colorful, it was important to you that effect stylization

Charlotte de Turckheim : It is something I would very much because I think that when life is painful, it will never be completely. This is not because we through difficult times that everything around us is ugly. There can be wonderful or magical things. And indeed, the little sister of the character played by Alice Pol has created his own world where she finds herself out of time and reality … A world of butterflies and colors. This contrasts with cash very moment and social reality portrayed in the film. I like this bitterness in the assembly

Screenrush:. One often hears about this film that it portrays common heroines as well as “France from below” … Are you in agreement with this speech?

Charlotte de Turckheim : I am very embarrassed by this term because the film is against all forms of exclusion and I do not appreciate the fact that any individual can not have the same opportunities in life than another. What was important for me was to show that there can be very painful moments in all social backgrounds and that’s it … that unites us all. This film talks about the crisis but also of solidarity, friendship and above all a family who, having had its share of pain, was rebuilt … And even just built because apart of the two sisters, the other characters have no relation. All these themes are unique to any social backgrounds.

If you stop the risk, we do not advance. And it happens anything interesting in the security zone. I always choose the unknown rather than ease because you can only have good surprises

Screenrush:. How are you you impregnated this social reality?

Alice Pol : Personally, I watched several documentaries on company closures. I was struck by the group spirit shown by all those people who violently lost their jobs, and how they are united and fight together to find a job. In terms of pure performance, it is very intuitive girls, who speak in a very direct way. So, the text should be digested so that we can work on a very natural tone.

Audrey Lamy : There has also asked the about power play with Etienne accent. But we preferred to give up because we feared falling into caricature

Screenrush:. The film grants also an important football is a must in a city like Saint-Etienne. What do you think represents this sport for your characters?

Alice Pol : For me it is a very unifying aspect to the notion of group solidarity. And for them, it’s mostly a loophole.

Audrey Lamy : When they find themselves girlfriends to do the cheerleaders before a stadium madness is their moment of recreation, freedom where they can breathe.

Audrey Lamy

Screenrush: “Who is the strongest? “Also deals with a sensitive topic even in French society, the surrogate mothers … What look would you like the public concerns about it after seeing the movie?

Charlotte de Turckheim : For me, one of the issues important was that everything had to be said very cash manner, very raw … When talking about this kind of social issues, no one understands from the inside because it is not concerned that people tell you their story, but there if … I do not want to give a lesson as it is a complex problem. I was lucky enough to have children naturally and I do not want to deprive anyone have because he is sterile or homosexual, even though I find it difficult to accept the idea of ​​paying a woman to make her a child. That is why we must perhaps legislation to prevent such practices. But it’s still the human to human, each case is a special case, so are we really can make a law about it. Some people would make wonderful parents but are not, while others are unworthy parents … One of the questions I wanted to ask in the end, it was “Who are good parents and bad parents? “.

Alice Pol : For my part, I hope the public will not rush to judgment and that he understood that it is necessary to be at the heart of a situation like this to really understand . What I liked about the script is that it not only took advantage, he never tried to get any morality. The only question for my character is, how far it is able to go out of love for his little sister. The message is not really political, it is above all human

Screenrush:. Pensez- have you realized a feminist film?

Charlotte de Turckheim : No, because I do not want to be classified, especially since I do a film about exclusion. It is a film that simply says “rebel us! “To both characters played by Alice and Audrey that character Dylan, played by Bruno Sanches. But I must admit that at this moment I find that women are rebelling not enough. That is why I particularly wished to affirm this message.

Interview May 4, 2015 in Paris


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