The production company of American actor and Paramount acquired the film rights to a forthcoming book on the case of diesel engines rigged the German car manufacturer.
A book on the Volkswagen case is still in draft form, but their rights have already been sold to Leonardo DiCaprio. While fixing scandal diesel engine is still hot, the producer started in quarter turn to seize about cinema.
American newspapers and found that Appian Way and Paramount Studios, the production company of Leonardo DiCaprio, had acquired the rights to adapt a book by Jack Ewing forthcoming on the matter of the manufacturer German car. The reporter of the New York Times and a specialist in overseas economies Rhine preparing a book about cheating the Volkswagen group, which has equipped nearly 11 million of its vehicles of software deceiving anti tests -Pollution. The book by Jack Ewing has no title yet, but it has already been presented as an investigation into one of the largest frauds in corporate history.
Leonardo DiCaprio already trust the journalist, author of a book on German economic revival in 2014. The actor is sensitive to the issue of the environment, with its foundation engaged in the fight against global warming. In 2007, he produced The 11th Hour , a documentary on the state of the Earth today. And in July 2015, the DiCaprio Foundation had collected forty million dollars for the preservation of the last wild places on the planet.
If the American actor and Paramount studios have already reserved by topic the acquisition of film rights, no details about the cast or release date have been announced.

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