The Belarus Svetlana Alexievitch, barely rewarded literature Nobel, has already paid the price of fame. While the award of this prestigious award is traditionally announced at 13:00 (11:00 GMT), a tweet from the Belarusian writer announced it has been selected with two hours in advance. Now it seems that the account, which is not certified, is not that of Svetlana Alexievitch. What seems to accredit the Swedish edition of the newspaper “The Local” which asserts that “the recipient is aware of his price thirty minutes before the public announcement.”
Wearing his choice Svetlana Alexievitch, the Swedish Academy has honored a voice of dissent in the past authoritarian regimes in Europe. Journalist and writer, she was rewarded for his “polyphonic work, suffering memorial and courage in our time,” explained the jury. Svetlana Alexievitch, 67, born Soviet, is the fourth woman to win the Nobel since its creation in 1901.
“I just talked to him, told television . Public SVT perpetual secretary of the Swedish Academy, Sara Danius She did not say one word: Fantastic! ” “This is a great writer who has found new literary paths,” Sara Danius welcomed.
“It’s huge to receive this prices, “ recognized the winner questioned by telephone by SVT, proud to be awarded the Nobel awards in 1958 which had Boris Pasternak. During the Cold War, the latter had first accepted the award before being forced by the authorities of his country to decline the prize, the Nobel jury noted.
Data from favorite several years Svetlana Alexievitch poignant is the author of books on the Chernobyl disaster or the war in Afghanistan, not in his country can not forgive him the portrait of a “homo Sovieticus” incapable of being free. Many of his compatriots to read, even if the regime prevents his public appearances in Minsk where she spends part of the year. “The last 30 or 40 years, she spent her time in mapping the Soviet and post-Soviet individual. But it’s not really a story of events. It is a story of emotions”, told the Nobel Sara Danius Foundation.
Documentary Romans
Born May 31, 1948 in west of Ukraine in a family of country teachers, a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of the University of Minsk, she began recording on his tape the stories of women who fought in the Second World War. She draws her first novel in Russian as the following, “War is not a woman’s face”.
Since Svetlana Alexievitch uses always the same method to write his documentary novels, asking for years for people who have experienced an overwhelming experience. “zinc coffins” a memorial book on the Afghanistan war published in 1990, makes it famous. His work, including “The Supplication, Chernobyl, the world after chronic Apocalypse” (1997) is the most known title is translated into several languages and published around the world.
Shows from his books have been staged in France and Germany, where in 2013 she received the prestigious Peace Prize at the Frankfurt Book Fair in.
First Belarusian was being awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, it succeeds the French novelist Patrick Modiano, winning in 2014 and carries the reward of eight million kronor (about 860,000 euros).
This year’s Nobel crowned the fight against parasitic diseases in medicine, research on neutrino physics and work on DNA chemistry. . To be announced on Friday the Peace Prize and economics Monday
Michel Polac is very moved by presenting the book Svetlana Alexievitch “Supplication: Chernobyl, the world after chronic the Apocalypse “

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