He already welcomed 700,000 visitors a year. Yet everything has been designed to accommodate even more fans of Rodin and Camille Claudel, and this in the best conditions.
A full renovation project
This is a construction site complete renovation has overseen Catherine Chevillot, director of the Rodin museum. Appointed in 2012, the former director of the Musée d’Orsay sculpture dreamed of offering Auguste Rodin museum worthy of the name. Nothing was left to chance. The frames, floors, woodwork were exposed to better restore or replace. We also had to innovate technically: rethinking lighting, now with automatic adjustment, a first in the world for a museum, and create a new furniture to better distribute the weight of the sculptures, although some thirty vintage saddles are still present. To ease traffic on the two floors of the museum and present works outings reservations, offices and PC Security won the attic. Another innovation, a lift-lift to accommodate the disabled, but also to move more easily displaced so regularly works to be exhibited around the world.
A redesigned museum tour
When asked Catherine Chevillot what was the most difficult three years of work, she says, “are all surprises related to the condition of the building that had never been the subject to substantive work since the late eighteenth century, floors threatening to collapse or walls that have been discovered they were half-timbered. “” Ultimately, 80% of jobs are not seen “, Catherine ensures Chevillot. From the perspective of the presentation of the works, it is different. The conservative took the opportunity to rethink the museum tour, creating new rooms, rebuild the giant’s study of sculpture and better understanding his creative process by releasing reserves its plaster or clay sketches fired for exposing next of his creations. Even the ancient fragments that Rodin has collected bulimic way have found their place. On 6500 Greco-Roman fragments or Egyptian, a hundred feet, hands, heads are now exposed in height, firmly fixed on the walls of the rotunda.

It was on the advice of his former secretary, the poet Rilke, in 1908, Rodin, who is 68 years old, rents rooms in the hotel Biron then abandoned and threatened with demolition. While he remains in his Villa of Bright at Meudon, he worked at Biron, welcomes guests, visitors, young artists, its models and muses. It feels so well in 1916, it offers the state a donation of his works and collections to the condition that the hotel will become a museum to house. The state accepts. Rodin died in 1917. The museum opened in 1919.

www.musee-rodin.fr 79, rue de Varenne, Paris 7e
Note: Exceptionally free entrance November 12, Reopening day

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