Steven Spielberg announced in November on RTL: he wants to make a fifth installment of Indiana Jones , before the actor who plays the legendary adventurer, Harrison Ford, (73 years) reaches 80 years. Things happen since it is the turn of the Disney studios to formalize the preparation of a Indiana Jones 5 .
In an interview with Bloomberg, the CEO of Disney, Robert Iger, said that a fifth episode of Indiana Jones would come out soon. Indeed, buying Lucasfilm for $ 4 billion in 2012, Mickey’s studio has not only the franchise Star Wars but also that of the famous archaeologist whisk. Boosted by the success of Force Wake Disney boss obviously feels grow wings and says so will embark on the adventure Indiana Jones .
Which actor will be alongside Harrison Ford in the Indiana Jones 5 directed by Steven Spielberg? The name of Chris Pratt ( The Guardians of the Galaxy , Jurassic World ) is the one that occurs most often. The film should be released in 2018, leaning back and between the years of output Star Wars – Episode VIII and XI , respectively in 2017 and 2019.
Hopefully this number 5 is better received by fans and critics that the fourth, Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008).

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