The slight arched silhouette, emaciated face, a smile of unfathomable sadness, and that look of profound kindness overshadowed by thick eyebrows: Michel Delpech had the face of melancholy. And the despair pegged at heart. Long, long time. The spleen had accompanied him last November, during the “Festival of French Song” qu’organisait in prime time on France 2 Daniela Lumbroso. There he was, very thin, obviously aged, to attend a surprise tribute. On set, Julien Clerc, Yannick Noah and Julien Doré resumed trio “Chez Laurette”. Michel Delpech had made the trip despite illness, long, and its treatment, rude. Disease ? Diagnosed in 2013, she was now overcome, he believed. It was his last public appearance. The singer died on Saturday from cancer of the throat to the hospital in Puteaux (Hauts-de-Seine).
It started so well, his life, the morning of January 26, 1946, in this loving family, easy, suburb of Courbevoie. A craftsman father, a housewife. It is in this context, in this cocoon, that grows Jean-Michel Delpech. In the background, the voices of the time: Luis Mariano and especially Charles Aznavour and Gilbert Bécaud he admires. Hoping that one day he tutoiera the stars in turn. For now, he set up a group in college. Patience …
A good start
Everything will go very quickly to the budding artist. Michel Delpech met the composer Roland Vincent, it becomes his companion, the accomplice of all his success. His hearing at Vogue unfolds like a dream in 1964 first 45 laps, “Anatole”, arrives in stores. Especially, the singer is engaged in the cast of the musical “Buddy Clopant” remains on display for six months, it will turn a bit in France. The budding artist interprets “Chez Laurette” the story of a woman with big heart like that. A tube. He just turned 18 and he knows that the most difficult is to last, it does not think.
His first album, “Inventory 66″ was released in 1965, which contains “Chez Laurette, “but also the title song,” Inventory 66 “or panegyric of that year. “ A miniskirt, two down Courrège” and a young pretty cute singer, anti-Gaullist, including all of France fell in love. , He is in love with Chantal Simon, encountered during the adventure “clopant Buddies”. In 1966, they married
Michel Delpech is the prey of producers, the perfect American star. He is on the program of the tour Leny Escudéro, it sings in first part of Jacques Brel in his famous Olympia, 1966, where the Grand Jacques announced, to general amazement, goodbye. Michel Delpech, he signed with Johnny Stark, the impresario of Mireille Mathieu, which embarks on its international tour. Eddie Barclay, the white man in show business, a leading talent scout, the sign on his record in 1968. A year later, Michel Delpech hangs home prices it receives burst, including the prestigious Grand 1969 Prix du Disque for the album “There are days when we’d better stay in bed” – it contains no great popular songs
The brilliant success
Father of a little Garance, her first child, Michel Delpech started his parenthesis success. A fire team is in place, which strives to build the career of this hope of the French scene. The tubes alternate with tubes. Including “Wight is Wight” (1969), the memory of the Isle of Wight Festival in 1969, “and Paul sang yesterday” (1970), a romantic ballad in the London Beatles. The break with Johnny Stark changes nothing. Michel Delpech makes with “Flirting” (1971) and “Divorced” (1972), which deals with a bit then ran theme song, a social phenomenon still little mundane. A tender song to cry: “I know you’re going to get you out, you’ll do me the pleasure of throwing you into battle.” Unbeatable, Michel Delpech continues to enchant France. “That was pretty Marianne”, the Revolution, and environmentalist ballad “The Hunter” in 1974 are also successful.
However, in 1975, Michel Delpech, who stands out as head poster, one of the biggest sellers of discs of his time out “The Singer”. Where the story of an aging artist, retired, tired, which brings him memories of his golden years.
Autobiographical, halftone, it marks the beginning of the end. Already.
The song is a hit, certainly, but life begins to return to Michel Delpech what she offered. “The Loir et Cher” in 1976 will be his last tube worthy of the name. A year earlier, he divorced. And that’s disease, depression bottomless tell it in detail, with skill and sensitivity in his story entitled “The man who built his house on sand.” It seeks in Buddhism, is in Catholicism. It goes bad, very bad. Who remembers the 1979 album, “5000 km”, adapted from Paul Simon, Elton John or James Taylor? The 80 starts. Discs, he shall go no more until 1985. “Far from here” precedes “Forget what I said” in 1986. Remarried to the artist Geneviève Garnier-Fabre, the father of a boy Emmanuel, professionally Michel Delpech sees his hits compilation released in yesterday. This is not a good sign. It became this artist remember, the voice of another generation that rehashing songs that feel nostalgia. “It was our fifteen years, the band with friends, Coca, the movie …”. This, it is much more complicated.
Didier Barbelivien, pipe machine of the moment, the fate of some business by writing “I was an angel,” a beautiful song that the audience appreciates. The 80 died, Michel Delpech do not regret, but the future does not, however, under the best auspices. With his record from 1992, “The voice of Brazil”, he tried a breakaway in world music. The opportunity to regain the Olympia which he has not been on display for twenty years. Then again, nothing. In 1997, the album “King of nothing” out in indifference. It will at least have managed the feat to unite on one disc of songs of these two antagonistic artists are Jean-Louis Murat and Pascal Obispo. This will keep the memory of a week at the Casino de Paris poster. The audience liked Michel Delpech he still loves.
The 2000s
The public still love? Proof: This press in the rooms where it is advertised for evenings shared with his colleagues. Taking advantage of his compilation “I was an angel,” he invites Alain Chamfort, Marc Lavoine, or Louis Chedid. On stage at the New Morning, it offers a beautiful artistic exchange with Claude Nougaro accompanied by a few sizes: René Urtreger (piano) and Mark Berthoumieux (accordion)
Sharing, again, when in 2006. under the leadership of Valéry Zeitoun, head of label AZ, Michel Delpech from the ashes with a pleasing album “Michel Delpech & amp; …”. This is the big time album of covers and duets – are we really out? Then he sings a duet with her generation of artists such as Alain Souchon (“The Singer”), Julien Clerc (“Hunter”), Michel Jonasz (“Thirty ways to leave a girl”) and Laurent Voulzy (“Wight is Wight”). Rising stars and amounts: Cali (“Flirting”), Barbara Carlotti (“and Paul sang Yesterday”), Alexandra Roos (“Far from here”) or Bénabar (“Chez Laurette”) which claims him at length interviews. Some of them will join on stage at the Grand Rex on 30 and 31 March 2007. In that time, remember, Segolene Royal was a candidate for the Supreme function. Delpech had sung for her “Let Marianne was lovely.”
A nice return which will have led ultimately join the tour as “soft Age Heads and wood, “the big show of neglected. In 2009, the album “Sexa” only comes out to get forgotten. In 2012, Michel Delpech was playing its own role in “The air of nothing,” Grégory Magne and Stéphane Viard, the story of a singer on the return, not chased bailiffs.
A year later, a cancer of the tongue and throat silenced the familiar and beloved voice, once entered into the hearts of the French, never to emerge. Michel Delpech recently shot the video for her song “The end of the road”, words of a believer to the eternal: “This is the end of my way on earth I’m yours, welcomes me, Father.” . It was sad, it was poignant.

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