Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Walking Dead Season 6: Death (Spoiler), what consequences for the future? – melty.fr

There are only two episodes before the end of season 6 of The Walking Dead and all fans are already preparing for a final season rather violent. While melty wondered earlier whether the death was Carol teasée in an excerpt from episode 15 entitled “East”, we return now to the true death of another character: Denise Cloyd, played by Merritt Wever. In episode 14, the young woman went on a mission with Rosita and Daryl to get drugs. On insecure appearance of her, Denise has yet quickly won our sympathy with his sense of fantasy and his sometimes disarming honesty . His attachment to Tara increasingly marked pushed her to become more courageous to make an impassioned speech to Daryl and Rosita before getting an arrow – that was not intended for him – in the eye. Despite his few appearances on screen, one thing is certain, Denise will be missed … but not to us.

Because after Pete’s death, Denise was promoted -some little involuntarily – as chief physician of Alexandria and had far failed to take care of all his patients. The most notable of all remaining Carl, who escaped despite a bullet in the eye and to the relief of Rick. How the community she will cope now that his two doctors died? Will they go to recruit the Hill once they are rid of Negan and Saviors? It’s a possibility. It may also soon be another character introduced in the series, but these are only speculations. Still, the end of episode 14, watch their dismay when they bring Eugene injured and Abraham as the first instinct is to go get Rick who probably can not do much more except to be informed of the situation.

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Denise and Tara in Alexandria.

How group will he cope in a row without a doctor and then a big attack is preparing? Although Saviors do not know a priori their exact location, the people of Alexandria are likely to be on maximum alert after the collision between Daryl and Dwight and their respective groups. Given the already precarious conditions of survival, it is clear that the presence of a doctor in a group can be decisive and now that Denise is dead, the survivors will improvise . This of course assumes that there are some wounded people and they do not all die on the spot, which remains a possibility if we are to believe the rumors circulating on Negan. In short, the death of Denise is certainly an important human loss, but not only. Until we know how the rest of the group will come out in the end of season 6, melty wondered if episode 14 marked the beginning of a major arc for the series! What do you think?


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