Thursday, July 21, 2016

The BGG: Bon Gros Gâchis Spielberg – Le Figaro

PRESS RELEASE – The BFG Spielberg, in theaters since July 20, leaving the doubtful and incredulous press. Although the provision of Mark Rylance in nice monster is hailed unanimously.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, James and the Giant Peach, the BFG … the success of children’s literature Columbia Roald Dahl, celebrated both for their originality as their depth, are popular among filmmakers. After Tim Burton, Danny DeVito and Henry Selick, it’s the turn of Steven Spielberg launching into his world with the BFG .

With a size exceeding 7 meters, the adorable BGG lives in the Land of Giants and spends his days catching dreams, in the form of fireflies, which he distributes to children in London. Unlike the giants of his country, and wicked human eaters, it is deeply sweet, naive and vegan. It serves as a scapegoat for his fellow … because it is the smallest of giants. A paradox of magnitude which is accentuated when removing an orphaned child, Sophie. Two people on the margins of their respective companies that rapidly bind friendship, and will even alert the Queen of England on the danger of cannibalistic giants.

Unfortunately, the press, Spielberg’s adaptation does not hoisted at the Dahl text, Le Monde even suspecting the director had “scraped all he could present bitterness just to keep that a frame sadly cutesy “. If despairing before the emptiness of the movie, the newspaper did not even grab the aesthetics lifeline since “sets the physical characters, while the image is quite hideous.” Libération corroborates, noting a film “asphyxiated by special effects.”

The Obs estimates the “sloppy” and carries the heaviest blow he is undoubtedly the “worse Spielberg film.” Le Point summarizes for its part the same idea grading his criticism “a Spielberg small”.

In the US, the surprise is great for NY Times which is surprising attempts “clumsy and unconvincing” the director. A film he describes as “small” compared to the original text, unable to create the same sense of excitement that usually characterizes the works of Spielberg.

Critics nuanced

another part of the press is less categorical. Purified adaptation of Spielberg pleases the USA Today , the judging “perfect for a younger audience.” Although the newspaper has more reserve about 3D that “stumbles” at times, especially when the young Sophie is in the hands of the gentle giant. In Guardian , both critics of the film does not seem to agree. One evokes the “audacity” and “depth” of the movie, where his colleague sees a work of “inflated” starting “adrift.” It is to wonder if they saw the same movie.

In France, L’Humanité remains unmoved in the face of “magical sequences that do not eat bread but that does not disrupt anything.” Much less criticized 3D side of Inrocks that “the disproportion is aptly set of the film.” For the magazine, Spielberg should not be ashamed, because even if it drags a bad reputation, the film “a little awkward in places, however, is not unworthy.” The trade publication First sees the resemblance between the film and its giant “just left uncombed, but irresistible, ultra tying” up to give it a rating of four stars out of five .

Some voices still fly to the rescue of the poor giant Gros, starting with our film critic at Le Figaro , Olivier Delcroix, who prescribed this film as “antidote” to one month July despairing. For him, the legendary director of E.T – released the same year as the new Roald Dahl – still knows “perfectly access its part of childhood.” Spielberg deserves even as Sophie in the BGG , to be “received by the Queen of England” to receive a distinction.

Cross sees the “best of digital technology” and commends the work of the designer, Rich Carter – he also held the post for the global hit movie Avatar (2009). Unlike the World , the critic Arnaud Schwartz admire a film that never dark “in sentimentality – what would have been the last straw in terms of Roald Dahl”

Mark Rylance. the savior

If there are differing opinions on the film, the interpreter of BGG unanimous. Oscar winner for her role in The Bridge of Spies (2015), the favorite actor of the moment Steven Spielberg has his face pressed against the body in 3D giant. A difficult challenge he successfully took. John Patterson of Guardian speaks of a “relief” to appear on the screen, “saving the skin” of the director. NY Times saw for his part in Mark Rylance character “of a size that is sorely lacking in the rest of the film.” A BGG “admirably camped” summarizes Olivier Delcroix.


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