Saturday, December 31, 2016

Enora Malagré violently insulted by the wife of Stéphane Guillon, Muriel Cousin – Gala

Following his message to raise awareness of road safety, Enora Malagré has suffered the scorn of many internet users. But among other harsh charges against the columnist, those of Muriel Cousin had not gone unnoticed. The reason for their extreme virulence.

"Dare to say no !" this has been titled the last advertising campaign to promote road safety. As usual, he was asked some celebrities to pass on the message facing the camera. Enora Malagré has lent itself to the exercise with his usual absence of language of wood. However, by intervening as well, the moderator 36-year-old did not raise the bronca of internet users, yet this is what just happened.

In question, the content of the personal history that she has shared, and whose message may seem inappropriate. It is said, indeed, that there was about a dozen years, she refused to get into a car with a friend heavily soaked "by litres of mojito".

"You said no once, twice, three times… and we are happy to say no. Because today one is in life. And he, unfortunately, on the way, ben is dead." Except that in place of the courage that she claims, the users have seen that a lack of clarity. Some complain that, in effect, to Enora Malagré, in his narrative for having left his friend, "stuffed" take the road and then be killed at the wheel.

But if the debate is open, it’s just taken a sharp turn for the more brutal with including the tweet of a rare violence posted by Muriel Cousin. The wife of Stéphane Guillon did not hesitate a qualifier for the brittany C8 "idiot" in a first message, and then to sink the nail in a second tweet stepping up the insults against the host.

in the Face of its many attacks, Enora Malagré has also responded via his Twitter account. The host of Behind the post (C8) is shown live and defends his action with the aim of raising the awareness of young people. "To all the assholes like Muriel cousin who insulted me because supposedly I did not deter a friend to take the wheel here is my answer. what do You do you to educate the people ? You make its prevention campaigns ? Answer : no ! So instead of tweeting from the bottom of your sofa ! Move you, stop this struggle moved that a lack of discernment ! C is pathetic, there are limits !", she especially posted.


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