Monday, December 29, 2014

Aaron Paul in a spin-off of Han Solo? – Stars News







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The universe “Star Wars” continues to shake the fan community of more intergalactic saga. And while Disney has already confirmed that the films focus on certain characters of the saga would see the day well, that’s a rumor ad Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad seen especially) as one of the characters from the first spin-off that would centered around Han Solo. The website even think that he could embody a young Han Solo.

True or false? Difficult to really know. The names of Han Solo, Bobba Fett and Yoda, the Jedi Grand Master of the Star Wars franchise, have already been mentioned here and there but nothing has been formalized for now.

During September yet the Empire Site was counting on his side on a first spin-off centered around Obi-Wan Kenobi, an iconic character in the saga.

For now, the mystery remains unsolved … This first spin-off must normally out in 2016


 © Metropolitan FilmExport

© Metropolitan FilmExport

Star Wars: Episode VII: discover the names of the characters

While waiting to learn more, Disney and Lucasfilm presented in December – via the US site Entertainment Weekly – the characters of “Star Wars: the Force Awakening” but in a very vintage through false trading cards whose appearance should be familiar to fans of the first hour, a similar series was launched in 1977.

Here are the names of the characters for you now hold Finn Rey, Poe Dameron and Kylo Ren could be the big bad of this new album. Note that we still do not know the name of the actor behind the character. As for the new droid that appears to have a family resemblance to R2-D2, it is called BB-8

. The Star Wars saga continues on W9

Fans of the Star Wars universe, appointment this Tuesday, December 30th from 8:50 p.m. on W9 for the final episode of the Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (Episode III) . Here is a brief summary:

The Clone Wars raged. Outright hostility now opposes the Chancellor Palpatine to the Jedi Council. Anakin Skywalker, a young Jedi Knight caught in the crossfire, hesitates on what to do. Attracted by the promise of unprecedented power and tempted by the dark side of the Force, it lends Darth Sidious allegiance to evil and becomes Darth Vader. Sith Lords then unite to prepare their revenge, which begins with the extermination of the Jedi. Only survivors of the massacre, Yoda and Obi Wan off in pursuit of the Sith. The hunt ends with a spectacular battle between Anakin and Obi Wan, who will decide the fate of the galaxy …

The new films of the Star Wars saga will TF1 broadcast

So what? It is on TF1 that you discover in preview the new films in the trilogy. This was a historic agreement was indeed signed center TF1 and France Walt Disney Company. It focuses on new productions of Marvel Studios but also on future films related to the saga “Star Wars” including “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” and the other two pillars announced for 2017 and 2019

. This agreement covers the new films of Marvel Studios, the new feature films and catalog films that make up the Star Wars Saga and the TV rights next series “live action” signed Marvel. It includes the distribution of these works via new mobile broadcast media. An agreement which had welcomed at the time Benoit Louvet, Deputy Director General Acquisition and Trading audiovisual rights TF1 Group.

So he said “This agreement is a great opportunity for the TF1 Group. It will offer our channels privileged access to huge success as MARVEL – THE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY and upcoming releases from the world famous franchises like STAR WARS: EPISODE VII or MARVEL – AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON. The new Marvel Studios films like Star Wars Saga enrich a portfolio of rights that allows us to offer our audiences the best of world production. This agreement also extends a special relationship between our two groups, and the strong appeal of the different channels of the group for the greatest American Studios. “

Star Wars attractions will be based on new movies

In August Bob Iger, the big boss from Disney, announced that the company will invest heavily in its theme parks with a very clear objective: a stronger presence of “Star Wars” in 2015 and to announce that new attractions largely inspired by the saga went well soon! the day.

“When we deepen our presence Star Wars, what we will do significantly, you will see paris that will prove even more winners than in the past,” declared Bob Iger.

More recently, in a short interview with Variety, Bob Iger confirmed the news while bringing a size precision: the new attractions Star Wars will be based on new films in the franchise

We can not wait to discover that even the French fleet (editor’s note: Disneyland Paris) should not be forgotten. Europe’s leading tourist destination will also be entitled to a nice gift. It is rumored even some fan forums, it is believed, for example, ED92, a StarWarsLand is under consideration . The first part could be delivered in 2017 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the park

. Did you know


While the episode 7 of “Star Wars” is not out yet, know that ever derivatives of a film had generated much profit in Hollywood history.

Cassettes, DVDs, toys, video games, books: the saga Star Wars is a real goose that lays golden eggs. In 30 years, the franchise would have earned $ 22 billion of which 1.5 billion in 2006 alone, after the release of “Revenge of the Sith,” according to spokesman Lucas Films.

With the release of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” things are not ready to change



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