G & # XE9; Gérard Depardieu in a video & # XE9 o ad for a Swiss watch brand
Gérard Depardieu in a promotional video for a watch of Swiss brand – CVSTOSTV / YOUTUBE


Gerard Depardieu still gun policy . While in Trouville-sur-Mer (Calvados), French actor took the opportunity to give an interview to the Pays d’Auge. François Hollande, Daniel Cohn-Bendit and José Bové took some stray bullets. The opportunity for 20 Minutes to present a selection of the best punchlines Gérard Depardieu against the political class.

Holland “does not care about the mouth of the world”

“I’m like 88% of the French, because the rest is for Mr. Holland. They are a little stunned by this man [...] a guy who does not care about the world of mouth, “says the actor Pays d’Auge. The actor does not spare environmentalists. “I do not like Daniel Cohn Bendit. I find it a bit dazed. It’s just like in 1968. He did not move [...] I do not like environmentalists because they have made ecology a political movement when it should be a culture [...] How do you want to be an ecologist when there will be soon 9 billion people on the planet in 50 years? It is certainly not with people like José Bové and his father makes GMOs “.

Holland,” little Bolshevik Elysee “

Soon after tax exile Gerard Depardieu had already carved a suit to the Head of State in the comic magazine Casemate in April. He called it a “small Bolshevik Elysee, as said Putin, who is killing the middle class. So I made a deal with lousy his second Matignon. ” In 2010 already, the actor spoke of François Hollande in an interview with France Culture. “I have seen him once or twice. I did not catch, not enough thug rather son dad. “

Aubry,” beer breath “

During a visit to the Grand Journal of Canal Plus in September 2010 Gerard Depardieu blames Martine Aubry, “breath of beer,” and adds: “All political, it’s crap.” A few months earlier, the actor took up the defense of Georges Freche, “much more real and much nicer than Martine Aubry and company!”

Christmas Mamère “may have crapped in his pants velvet “

In 2002, the actor responsible environmentalist mayor of Begles. Christmas Mamère, refused to attend the rugby team game not to cross the Algerian businessman Rafik Khalifa, “the friend of the Algerian generals’ . Gérard Depardieu, director the club, then denounces about “racist and fascist, it would drive him from his party,” adding trivially, the ecologist “may have crapped in his pants velvet”, as reported by release .

Policies, “hens and roosters that shit on it”

During the release of his film Mammuth in 2010 the actor is a philosopher. “Politics does not interest me, it is only a farmyard with chickens and roosters that shit on it. It is shameful and it’s dirty. Our film says more than a speech by a member of the distress of those who find themselves dispossessed of all retired because we did not give them the keys to prepare, “he loose the JDD . A few months later, this does not prevent him from supporting Nicolas Sarkozy in the presidential election.