Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Philippe Bilger: More than a conviction, the Femen deserve … – Le Figaro

FIGAROVOX / TRIBUNE – President of the Institute of the floor reacts to the sentence of one month in prison with suspended sentence Eloise Button, who had faked an abortion in the church of the Madeleine, there is a year.

Every week, Philippe Bilger speaks, in freedom, in FigaroVox. He is an honorary magistrate and president of the Institute of the word. His latest book, “Against Justice lax”, was published by Editions de l’Archipel (2014). It also publishes on its Youtube channel talks with several personalities. His next work, a novel called judicial “72 Hours” (Lajouanie) is available from 4 December.

Our modernity is therefore still not quite full of ridiculous and of excesses, desecration and indifference, contempt and sufficiently so that we still need to look at those hysterical women with their bare chest a message, it seems partisan.

Eloise Button had faked an abortion at the altar in the church of the Madeleine waving pieces of liver bloody calf included “the aborted fetus of Jesus” in front of a stunned choir.

Behind the extravagance of public behavior, one should usually focus on the crack of the mind, personality disorder.

She was sentenced December 17, one month imprisonment. Moderate penalty: it is true that on October 15 she said that “his nakedness was political” and that his desire was to “provoke awareness on women’s freedom to abort”

. It is not clear why it was necessary to engage in this act activist to remain in the register of this personality that I dare qualify disrupted in a church, except to add indecent grotesque.

On second thought, the sentence is not really the problem because for this 31 year old woman at risk of being lynched by a feminism that will stop at nothing, especially not to the absurd, it would able to design the next alternative.

To continue the protest character of nudity, a good spanking, no offense to Edwige Antier but, after all, Eloise button is no longer a child.

Or a rest for a certain period in a care facility. There are mental disturbances that ideology hidden too well. Behind the extravagance of public behavior, one should usually focus on the crack of the mind, personality disorder. There are mitigation of responsibility under the vindictive and arrogant surfaces.

The Femen represent perfectly the worst cartoon ever, a world that has lost its head. They were able to play this blindness and this snobbery.

The worst that decidedly plagues our society is that these Femen not only have not been relegated to the dustbin of our collective interest but rather benefited not only from Caroline Fourest, a consideration that just causes and honorable activists have deserved.

The stupidity with which empties the necks of these delusional, provided they are revealed or affublent proclaiming their dislike for Christianity and feminism sickly, do not let to amaze me every day.

Femen represent perfectly the worst cartoon ever, a world that has lost the head. They were able to play this blindness and this snobbery. Follow breasts to the wind, it’s more exciting, and certainly more stylish, than walking shouting slogans behind banners!

The prosecution appealed another case after Femen which nine were acquitted for damages meeting perpetrated Notre Dame de Paris. Expect the stop.

It is not finished with Femen!


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