The leader of the Horn & # XE9 e North, Kim Jong-un, in August xfb & #; t 2014.
The leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, in August 2014 . – Xinhua / SIAP
* Philippe Berry

According to US media, the FBI is expected to announce at any time that North Korea is behind the massive attack that shook Sony for three weeks. But despite some peripheral evidence, some experts are not convinced

A too obvious culprit If you were in Law & amp;.. Order , we Looks like North Korea has a mobile (the release of a film mocking the supreme leader), the means to carry out the attack (1,800 hackers his “121 Office” and a malware that looks like the one used against Korea south) and the opportunity to take action (Sony defenses not really very effective). But in a cyber attack that bounces in many countries, the murder weapon is almost impossible to locate. An action of Pyongyang? The security expert Mark Rogers does not. Computer code is commented in Korean? North Korea banned the South has its own language and dialect. The threats are in broken English? Errors do not resemble those of “Konglish” (Korean-English), he said. “It looks like someone who pretends to speak English poorly.” It further notes that demand the withdrawal of the film The Interview came only after several days and leaks about a possible North Korean track in the media.

A different modus operandi. When North Korea pirate banks its southern neighbor, it does so discreetly and silently. No sudden press releases published on Pastebin by a group called Guardians of Peace. Or using a skull straight out of the 90s Warez Scene Threats, ultimatums, imaging … “Looks like hackers acting for lulz” for fun, says guru safe Bruce Schneier, in an interview with Motherboard.

A guilty a little too convenient. This is not the first time that Sony is hacked and the group never seems to remember the lesson, including storing unencrypted passwords in a file named “password”. The company has already been targeted by hackers in 2005 after installing fresh software on CD to change its Windows and restrict their copy. In 2011, the attack against the Playstation Network followed a lawsuit against Sony a teenager who had jailbroken PS3. In the current case, accuse North Korea and use big words like cyber terrorism “allows Sony to position itself as a victim,” said Schneier.

Who else behind the attack? Some experts suspect Chinese hackers. Mark Rogers put on the revenge of a former employee because the attack seems to have been conducted “with an internal advanced knowledge” of Sony defenses. The first release is also directly attacked the boss of Sony Entertainment, Michael Lynton. Others prefer the more traditional hackers track close to the movement Lulzsec / Anonymous. Before the case is public, five Sony executives received a threatening letter demanding money. After removal of the film The Interview , we will now see if blackmail will stop. According to Bruce Schneier, the speed with which Sony has obeyed the demands of hackers suggest that they have much more damaging information that internal gossip Angelina Jolie. For the studio, the worst may be yet to come.