The XE9 & #; writer and man of the m & # XE9 for media Jacques Chancel .
The writer and media Jacques Chancel. – IBO / SIPA
* Anne Demoulin

golden voice went out. Writer, journalite and media man, Jacques Chancel died in the night of Monday to Tuesday at his home in Paris, informed Matthieu Gallet, CEO of Radio France. He was 86 years old. Emissions Fluoroscopy on France Inter and The Grand Chessboard on Antenne 2 will forever cult programs. Esthete passionate about sports, Chancel traveled, read, thoughtful, listened, advised, received and, especially, surrounded by his kindness he has traveled the world.

The Bigorre, his earthly paradise

Born July 2, 1928 in the High Pyrenees, the Bigorre, his earthly paradise, Jacques Chancel, whose real name is Joseph André Jacques Régis cramps, became a war correspondent in Indochina 17 years. He travels the Southeast Asia from 1950 to 1958 and completed his studies between Saigon and Beijing. At the microphone, he began a career in journalism during which he received the confidences of nearly 7,000 guests: artists, writers, politicians … His credo: “Knowing tell a story”

The man of media

It creates after heading Paris Time and Paris-Day , the show Fluoroscopy on France Inter in 1968. A program that runs for more than 20 years, or 6826 numbers. His radio interviews will be many anthologies. Followed by other programs, such as figureheads .

In the fall of 1974, Marcel Jullian and Jacques Chancel échafaudent Programs, select the hosts and producers of what will become the channel Antenne 2. They recruit among others Claude Barma, Jean-Christophe Averty Armand Jammot Pierre Tchernia Bernard Pivot, Roger Couderc and Robert Chapatte. “It was he who called me on the second string. He called me and he said: “We would love you to come, do you have a project to propose?”. And I was just Apostrophes to offer them. We were not at all rivals or competitors. It was, however, always been accomplices, and The Grand Chessboard and Apostrophes have always been associated with the quality of television pictures, “says Bernard Tuesday Pivot Express .

After running Grand Amphi , he created his flagship show, The Grand Chessboard 1972. The show will remain on the air until 1989. He then lead sight lines on France 3 from 1994 to 1998. In addition to a position of director in the Canal + Group, Jacques Chancel dedicated an end of writing career.

The love letters

“In the early morning or late at night, trains, airplanes, home, j ‘ writing at least three hours a day. It is a burning need, “he confided to France Bleu 2011.Chancel, the lover of letters directed to the fixed idea collection Julliard Editions. He published his first test The Eurasian in Saigon in 1950. The Weather at a glance , published in 1978, received the Award of the French Academy and As long as there are islands , the price of the media houses in 1980. He followed that success in the 2000s with Fugacities (2001), The unfinished (2009), Dictionary lovers TV (2012) or Night wait (2013). Last month, he published by Flammarion Why leave? , the now final volume of his diary. It referred modestly health glitches that prevailed. “I was old too soon and I’m young too late,” he repeated over and over again.