Wednesday, May 6, 2015

BD: Mathieu Sapin bored at the Elysee … We also – Le Figaro

CRITIQUE – Office, kitchens, basement, Trierweiler case … The designer explored the corridors of the presidential palace during a year. He sketches the life of a presidency without mystery, far, far away from the flamboyance of Foreign Ministry.

Between July 2013 and June 15, 2014, Mathieu Sapin, pencil in hand was part of the decor of the Elysee. In the manner of an immersion Joe Sacco, humor and more, the designer of Akissi , known to have followed the 2012 presidential campaign, starts new stage in this album report, The Castle, one year behind the scenes of the E lysed .

The result of a close observation of 12 months, the author passes of the most prestigious offices in the kitchens hygiene “non-standard according to new directives”, through the basements of residence. The reader learns there including the existence of a dojo, a place that used to drive members of the security service. Mathieu Sapin, one discovers Jupiter, anti-nuclear bunker shielded the president. A simple conventional lock keeps closed, desecrating a little bit the myth.

The designer crunches closest advisers Hollande. He managed to extricate some gossip menus. A successful hunt confidences little compared to what he learns through the swarm of accredited journalists. These men and women who are at home at the Elysee. And which are not always spared by the author (not always very fraternal reporter Sapin). More anecdotal, as to furnish a story not always exciting, he spent the Palace of trades in question. Bodyguards of bodyguards, the chief cook until wine shop that deals with wine and flower bouquets. In short, like a bad Capital, issuing M6 …

If like us, you were hoping to learn a little more about the business heart of our president, you do not thank for this Fir moment. Only two pages are devoted to stealth Valerie Trierweiler. Modesty? A few months after the arrival of the designer Faubourg Saint-Honoré, the former first lady was leaving the scene in January 2015, humiliated by Closer after the revelation of a series of photographs showing the relation of the president with the actress Julie Gayet


Mathieu Sapin also lived more or less near the dismissal, in 24 hours, the former communications adviser Aquilino Morelle, after the publication by Mediapart information its relationships with pharmaceutical companies when he was attached to the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (IGAS) and his lifestyle at the Elysee. In that case, the person Sapin not wax pumps.

In short, the author attempts to resettle us, with its delicate graphics coupled with some caustic, a certain banality of the “reign” Holland. It could have been a good subject, the exact opposite of the flamboyant folly of Dominique de Villepin portrayed by Christophe Blain and Abel Lanzac in the Quai d’Orsay phenomenon. Alas, this turns into a chronic pale Tintin at the Elysee who raves about everything and shows us nothing. We sometimes feel awkward Hollande has found a pretty good Fir communication channel. If he wishes to appear more ambiguous, more secrecy, less accessible, a President not so normal in reality, you win!

The Castle. A year behind the scenes of the Elysee Mathieu Sapin, Dargaud publishing 19.99 euros. In bookstores May 7


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