Paris (AFP) – Algerian writer Kamel Daoud, targeted by Muslim fundamentalists in his country, on Tuesday received the Goncourt first novel, six months after having missed the Prix Goncourt and caused an early controversy.
He was rewarded for his novel “Meursault, against-investigation” (Actes Sud), announced Tuesday the jury also singled Patrice Franceschi for his short story collection “First-person singular” (Points ) and the Belgian poet William Cliff for all of his work.
Reflecting on contemporary Algerian identity, Kamel Daoud’s book is written in mirror of the famous novel by Albert Camus’ L’Etranger “(1942). Goncourt finalist last fall and broke two votes, he also received the Prize of Five Continents de la Francophonie and the price François Mauriac.
“I’m not a man only book contrary to what we believe because I think that leads to two diseases: either vanity or a religious war, “said Kamel Daoud receiving his award Tuesday in Paris
. known for his liberal and secular positions, novelist, 44, father of two, who lives in Oran, had publicly expressed last autumn disappointment of not having been awarded the most prestigious French literary awards.
“The jury has missed an historic opportunity to open up to the world because in the Maghreb, that price was much anticipated and already perceived as a very heavy message meaning.” he had launched. A statement that had not always been welcomed
-. The horn of the bull –
Journalist at Quotidien d’Oran, where his columns, widely read in Algeria, often debate Kamel Daoud tends virtuoso in this first book in a mirror “Arabic” killed by a “Meursault” in the famous novel by Albert Camus’ The Stranger “(1942), in counterpoint with the story and the ups and downs often violent, of contemporary Algeria.
But the book is not a novel about an Algerian on Camus, according to the writer. “I’m not Camusian. I did not stay in the Camusian perimeter. I Kamel Daoud, I am an Algerian, I speak of this,” he told AFP the author of “Meursault, against-investigation” which has been out of stock in Algeria and had to be reprinted.
But the writer has become one of the bugbears of fundamentalist groups who consider it an apostate. Activist Abdelfatah Hamadache Ziraoui called last December on his Facebook page the Algerian authorities to condemn Kamed Daoud to death and executed in public. The prosecution, however, did not file a complaint or taken any action since.
“You expose yourself to the sharp horns of the bull, the bull with a low forehead, piles, stupid and evil and you are on its blacklist. It is a credit to you and it is in honor of literature, “said Régis Debray announcing the jury’s choice.
” I think that you don ‘ are not a man of good composition, I think you are rather a type of bad mood, a good specimen of what Camus would have called the Rebel, “he added.
” You repatriated + + L’Etranger in your culture, you made a native Camus full (…). Your survey against Algerian, we will repatriate our turn in the treasury of literature “, further Regis Debray said.

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