They have already lost their mill Giverny (Eure), seized, and their villa in St. Martin (Antilles), for sale. It is the turn of the riad “Dar Gyucy” in Marrakech, including Isabelle and Patrick Balkany deny being owners to be seized by justice says Libération . The operation aims to prevent a possible sale of the property, the newspaper said. Investigating judges Renaud van Ruymbeke and Patricia Simon “asked the Moroccan authorities entering the residence or at least that it be a precautionary measure,” that is to say it can not be sold, said a judicial source.
According to Libération , it is almost impossible to identify the true owner of the villa, because of financial arrangements that have allowed its acquisition. Investigators suspect the couple Balkany purchasing this well by hiding behind offshore companies and have used as a nominee of their loved one, Jean-Pierre Aubry, former general manager of the corporation mixed economy development of Levallois, the Semarelp. Investigations have revealed that the riad was acquired in early 2010 to over 5.8 million by a Moroccan real estate company, acquisition financed by two Panamanian companies.
Banned from leaving the territory
The legal problems thus accumulate for the deputy mayor of Levallois-Perret (Hauts-de-Seine) and his wife forbidden to leave the country. Justice has already entered the mill Cossy, a property of four hectares valued at several million euros in Giverny (Eure). This residence has been transferred to their children in the 1990s, but they retain the usufruct. The couple appealed the judge’s order. A luxurious villa on the island of St. Martin in the Caribbean, including Isabelle Balkany acknowledged to be the owner, was also seized and has just been sold.
WATCH exclusive slideshow of Isabelle Balkany villa in St. Martin
These operations allow to prevent these properties are transferred to third parties and serve as collateral in case of a possible conviction in the criminal court . The judges of the financial hub of Paris, Renaud Van Ruymbeke and Patricia Simon had begun to look to the couple in 2013 after revelations heritage of Didier Schuller, former collaborator and friend of Balkany, who had submitted documents proving their four, he , which has Levalloisian aedile “laundered 33 million francs (6.47 million euros, Ed) and he has a hidden heritage”.

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