Europe 1

By CP-R. with AFP
Soil rate as high radioactivity of radioactive waste. This is the sad conclusion of a study published on Friday, 29 years after the Chernobyl disaster. According to the Commission for Independent Research and Information on Radioactivity (CRIIRAD), the soils of the Mercantour National Park in the Southern Alps, yet have a higher than normal radioactivity due to the accident at the Ukrainian nuclear power plant which fallout came to France.
The fallout “particularly intense”. The new measures conducted in early July, in the area of the collar of Bonette-Restefond on the border between the Alpes-Maritimes and Alpes de-Haute-Provence and show that “the radiation level is still more than two times higher than normal” to “a meter above the ground.” In the southeastern region of France, “the impact was particularly intense,” recalls Criirad, which emphasizes having “demonstrated between 1996 and 1998, very high contamination of soil in the Mercantour.”
Values up to 100 times the natural level. The Criirad that indicates having brought in his laboratory in a sealed box, soil samples, ensuring that the fact of “bivouac two hours on some of these areas induces a non-negligible exposure”. “The radiation levels in ground contact always exceed the accumulation zones, values several dozen times or more than 100 times higher than the natural level” and finds the research organization. And insist that these soil samples “should be considered as radioactive waste and must be entrusted to the National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management (Andra).”
Faced with this alarming situation, the independent body remembers arrested several times the French health authorities “so that the most radioactive areas are cleaned up, or at least marked, to avoid unnecessary exposures” . But “it is clear that little has changed on the ground,” laments Criirad.

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