The actor found the director for the sixth time, with The Devil in the White City , which traces the criminal career of HH Holmes, suspected of killing 200 people in the late nineteenth century.
“I was born with the devil in me, I was born with the devil on my bed and leaned it not left me since. ” These words, terrifying, are attributed to Henry Howard Holmes, one of the first serial killers in the history of the United States. One of the most prolific as if Holmes confessed to 27 crimes, is suspected of killing 200 people in the Chicago of the late nineteenth century. According to the website Deadline, the history of this criminal in the gentleman attire will be a film titled The Devil in the White City . The film should mark the sixth collaboration between Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio, who will slip into the skin of the one we nicknamed the Doctor Torture.
The scenario is adapted from the Devil in the White City , Erik Larson, bestseller that has revived interest in the case in 2003. The book tells the Holmes story through two perspectives: that of the assassin and that of Daniel H. Burnham, the architect behind the World Fair in Chicago in 1893. The paths of the two men intersect when Holmes built the hotel to house visitors to the fair.

HH Holmes Hall, in the Englewood neighborhood in Chicago Photo credit: Public Domain
The good doctor take this opportunity to make a real manor house crime. For several years, the labyrinthine building, located in the heart of “Windy City”, will house his sadistic crimes. Each time, the procedure is the same: Holmes uses his charms to attract women before using them as guinea pigs and sell their skeletons to universities in the region. A gas chamber, crematorium and a dissecting table have in particular been found in the labyrinths of the building. After months of stalking, the man is found and hanged in 1896.
The story of HH Holmes seems to exert a certain fascination for Leonardo DiCaprio, who bought the rights to the book in 2010 . After years of hesitation about the script, the script is finally being told Billy Ray, known for his adaptation of the first Hunger Games and the scenario of Captain Phillips .

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