Irina Ionesco did not win against Simon Liberati who is the author of the book Eva. This is at the heart of a controversy because of certain passages which are not flattering to his person and reflect its past.

Irina Ionesco did not accept that her past life is shared with the general public in this way, especially as the facts in question related in the book Eva are not in his favor. Indeed, the writer Simon Liberati who works with Stock editions revealed that her stepmother was a consumer of drugs. He also praised Eva Ionesco who is the daughter of the complainant. The writer calls it “ the little fairy ” that had the ability to save the labyrinth while giving him a taste for life.
Simon Liberati praises the daughter of Irina Ionesco
Her mother is a 85 year old photographer thought that the passages about drugs or sexual life of his past should not be shared. Simon Liberati was therefore transported to justice and hoped that a conviction would not be on the agenda because many copies are already in the way of distribution. He therefore prevailed face Irina Ionesco who must pay the amount of 3000 euros
Irina Ionesco does not win face Simon Liberati for the book Eva
In his defense, Simon Libérati highlighted the same passages of his private life had been told by the main question in an autobiographical book. Therefore, the mother of Eva Ionesco is of Romanian origin had already mentioned these passages of his life and justice has therefore concluded that the facts were not new. Therefore, it was dismissed and the invasion of privacy was not retained. For her part, Eva Ionesco is a director had also shared his childhood in My Little Princess when she evoked her relationship with her mother through the lens.

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