DISAPPEARANCE – The canine actor appeared in the film to five Oscars Michel Hazanavicius, died at the age of 13. This Jack Russell terrier was euthanized in Los Angeles.
He had seduced the whole world by saving Jean Dujardin flames in The Artist . Uggie, the famous Jack Russell terrier film actor, died at the age of 13 as a result of prostate cancer. He was euthanized in Los Angeles on August 7. It’s owner, Omar Von Mueller, who announced the news to the American website TMZ, stating that “the last weeks have been particularly difficult.”
In Hollywood, the dog had become a real star. He began his career in a Larry Clark film, Wassup Rockers (2005), before playing alongside Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson Water for Elephants (2011). Uggie reached consecration in 2012 with The Artist (2012), Michael Hazanavicius’s homage to silent cinema of the 1920s almost stole the show from Jean Dujardin and Berenice Béjo.
During his brief career, he won several awards including the gold necklace in Hollywood and the Palme Dog at the Cannes Festival. Uggie also left his footprints on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, joining the biggest Marilyn Monroe, Liz Taylor, Fred Astaire
The Campaign (2012). the horrible Will Ferrell had dared to put his hand on the valuable Uggie:
After this film, where he played his own role, Uggie retired in 2012. Suffering from a neurological disease, still had undertaken to write his memoirs, assisted by the American biographer Wendy Holden, who had already written those of Barbara Sinatra. He recounted her life, his difficult beginnings, the success of The Artist . It also evoked there, writes the editor, “the artists he frequented, George Clooney to Jessica Simpson, through the love of his life, Reese Witherspoon [without silence provided] <. /> i> his demons [and] his past cat killer “
Sarah Clifford, his coach, told TMZ:” I will never forget his infinite love … for chickens and hot dogs. ” Nor US.

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