The documentarian Alex Gibney investigated, with former followers, this wealthy empire. And decrypts operation using threats and manipulation.
The director Alex Gibney is not at his first attempt when it comes to film the failings of America. In 2008, he clinched the Oscar for best documentary for Taxi to the dark side, on torture in Afghanistan. His documentary Scientology under-way, adapted from the Book Become clear, Lawrence Wright, caused a tidal wave across the Atlantic. Meet one magazine Esquire saw becoming, in 2010, “the most important documentary filmmaker of our time.”
Why did you choose to adapt “Becoming Light”?
I have always been interested in Scientology. What fascinated me in the book was the idea of faith in prison. A relevant topic in today’s world, for example with the Islamic state, and beyond the case of the Church of Scientology. Diving into the depths of the Church is a fascinating story.
You have made films on the Catholic Church, WikiLeaks, multinational organizations that manipulate people’s beliefs. What differences with Scientology?
Scientology takes root in another “religion” very American, admired celebrities. From the beginning, its founder, L. Ron Hubbard, has understood the power of the stars and made it a pillar of the Church. Today she is very protective of its biggest star, Tom Cruise.
“The threat Scientology lot but rarely goes to court”
You are interested in Scientology he makes you a target?
Certainly. On the site of the Church, they have released a video that attacks me. And they are currently producing a documentary on me. I have also been inundated with letters from lawyers to prevent the release of the film. This is the specialty of Scientology. They threaten a lot but rarely go to court. And it works, especially since their trial against Time Magazine in 1992. Time had then had to spend a fortune. Since then, the US media are reluctant to write about the Church. TV channels refused me access to their archives, because I was working on Scientology.
The myth speaks of aliens that inhabit the bodies of humans. How does one believe in a concept that seems so silly? The film former Scientologists have perfectly reasonable air.
And they are. They went so far in their career within the Church by learning that they just shrugged. This myth is not told when you are a novice, but only when it has reached the highest level of “purity”, which takes years and thousands of dollars. In this Church, we invested emotionally but also financially. Fleeing tantamount to admitting that we lost all that time. And that money.
“I told the elders that their testimony could give to followers who hesitate the courage to leave”
How did you manage to convince the former followers to testify?
They felt vulnerable. I told them that their testimony could give to followers who hesitate the courage to leave. I wanted to understand their approach, by which they had to pass. At the time of his interview for the book, one of them still had one foot in the Church. He told me his secret past as having put Nicole Kidman on listening [to move it away from Tom Cruise, Ed]. To fully break free, he had to confess everything. The process is very long.
How do we escape the clutches of Scientology?
All former members of the sect who testify in the movie and have moved away did after a shock. One, when she discovered the deplorable conditions in which her daughter was growing up. Another, after suffering severe physical abuse and was forced to deny live on television. They all had that moment when they opened their eyes to the actions of the Church.
Your film evokes the violations of human rights practiced by Scientology.
This belief system includes everything to destroy the enemies of the Church: it is the idea of “fair game” In their eyes, it is not a violation of rights. of man, but of protecting their ideal.
“All Americans are afraid of the taxman, but not Scientology”
By declaring war the IRS in 1993, is the principle of fair game they applied?
Very much so. All Americans are afraid of the taxman, but not Scientology. They brought thousands of simultaneous trials, personally attacked employees … After a while, the IRS has cracked and granted tax exemption to which the churches are entitled officially recognized them. It’s unbelievable. It seems obvious to me that this is a business: the sessions are paid, it is not a question of voluntary donations. I hope that Parliament will dare reconsider the situation.
What does this episode of the United States?
This shows the awesome power of the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of worship. Used with such cynicism, it can be used to protect crime.
Are there any parts of the book that you did not include in the film?
Many. Including the history of an organization that was helping victims of sects. Scientology sued him who ruined then acquired its name. So that someone who wanted help to leave a sect came into place in Scientology. This gives you an idea of their procedure.
What has most impressed you over your investigation?
The idea that people, forced to eat porridge on the floor, did not want to leave. The door was open but they were prisoners of their faith. This is a problem for the police: how to stop the culprits if Scientologists voluntarily undergo such abuse
All because Mr. Hubbard wanted to become rich by creating a religion
By capitalizing on the human need for personal development, he invented an empire worth billions of dollars. But Hubbard was completely disturbed, and get into Scientology is to enter his head … At the risk of becoming like him.

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