The troop of Heart of Eating announced it will resume Freedom Paul Eluard for its thirtieth anniversary. In 2015, the song The whole life had controversy for his message considered reactionary.
For the thirtieth anniversary of the Enfoirés out of the question to make waves. The aim is to avoid the last disaster, caused by The whole life . This song, written by Jean-Jacques Goldman, had been accused of wearing an anti-youth and reactionary message. The extent of the controversy was such that the interpreter Fly me and I give you had been forced out of its media retreat.
In 2016, it was thus necessary to choose a more consensual and timeless hymn. The choice of the band of the Eating Heart has therefore focused on Freedom , a poem by Paul Eluard.
These lines were written in 1942 by the French artist response to the occupation of Nazi Germany. “And by the power of a word / I am starting my life / I was born to know you / For you appoint / Freedom,” will sing soon Enfoirés. According to RTL, studio recording is imminent before a series of concerts at Bercy from January 20 to 25
Also new in this edition 2016: the company will have to make – probably without difficulty – with absence. of Lââm. The singer decided to slam the door after he made noticed on Twitter for his vulgar messages. Kendji girac young singer 19 years, also said “runner” to join the cause.

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