Full interview
1/47 nabilla benattia now dream of a quieter life.
With his book, nabilla benattia may want be more than change the image the public has of it: reinvent his life
Yes, natural, when she arrives at the offices of Robert Laffont, Paris, Place d’Italie, she “more beautiful than on TV. ” Simpler, stripped of some sort of tinsel, fake varnish since the TV is never reality. She is black and torn jeans, designer sneakers, green shirt.
Yes, it is rather touching. Cash and disarming sincerity. As long as she does not feel attacked or despised, it is even quite funny, déconneuse. Yes, the book is surprising and leaves you a strange feeling. That of finally know, a little bit, so it occupies the people frantically space and miscellaneous three years.
Yes, “Too fast,” written with the journalist and writer Jean-François Kervéan, can be read as a communication suddenly, a few weeks of the trial that awaits him on May 19 “Aggravated voluntary Violence”: this is the title of the legal knife that received his companion, Thomas Vergara – those two still love each – during
the night of 6 to 7 November 2014. nabilla benattia risk prison years.
Yes, the book extensively discusses this drama, the way she did it stuck, but especially on the path that led to it. A childhood that stops as often with parental divorce. And Nabilla left too alone in the middle of adolescence, and makes nonsense dreaming of becoming famous.
Yes, she became famous. That in 2013, some funny words become huge buzz thanks to the joint runaway TV machine and the machine of the Internet. “Hello! No, but hello, what? … “Sentence now cult took place in the conversations in the second degree, both in school playgrounds in the dinners in town. Yes, it is, however, a rather good book, because nabilla benattia, without her Cosette, spares are not telling this life often derided as pointless or futile: it only expresses a will to survive and to struggle to time when everything becomes spectacle.
She says more than she thinks, therefore. On childhood heartbreak and strategies to cope. On the TV that devours its children. On the passion that consumes. On contempt, too, suffered too sexy girls, which merges with the girls too easy. Yes, what is easy is to watch and make fun of her. This book does not intend to pass it for what it is not. Nabilla knows his limits. But “too soon” can sift a little sympathetic gaze on her. That’s not bad.
Christopher Place
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your trial for stabbing your mate, Thomas Vergara, is AGENDE in May 19 You are afraid, Nabilla?
Grave. I risk years in prison, or I can go free. I’ll explain what happened, why it happened, all this pressure there was around us. I have already two months in prison. And I have not been guilty of grave stupidity, even if I saw Thomas when I should not, but hey, we love, here. After, I say, we’ll see. If I have to go back there, what could I do? I also try not to live thinking only of that. I say, if it is not so serious, I will assume. I do not have a choice. Never mind. I feel I have paid my debt to Thomas and to myself. . But if the judges want me to pay even more, well, I’ll pay more
Early in the book, you say a dream life: nice quiet house in the south pool, money in the bank. A dream redneck, right?
why I live, it’s really happiness. I know how to make me happy. It’s already good. What makes me happy is to be able to do what I want when I want. In 2016, how to do what we want when we want: it takes money. So after, how do I get that money? By doing something you love. I try to make a symbiosis of all this, to acquire a certain happiness. Is this redneck? After experiencing the light, I probably wanted something else, calm. I like the times when I’m in the spotlight, but also where I go back into anonymity. They make me feel good.
You are severe with your parents. A fairly rigorous Muslim father, a mother too permissive, who wished to start a new life. What separated them?
It was hard for her. She is a Christian. End up with someone who was in Islam, but especially disparaging other religions. For me, being in Islam is also love and respect the gods of others. He criticized the religion of his wife’s parents, it became heavy, “French”, “French dirty”, “you’re a French”, etc. My mother, I love her now more than anything, and I respect it, but I do not savings in the book is true. This is a great ado, I could not round the corners, I had to be honest. She will take it as it wants. I had to raise me alone when I found myself with it. I had been too radical a fence with my father, then so too lax to my mother: I was really a free electron
You have spoken to your father since. separation, then you had 13 years. But you trust that you called to her work at the UN, just to hear his voice. Once you spoke to him how you’re taking you
It was there one and a half?. I changed a bit my voice to the reporter, asking questions. I ended by saying, “But you still love your daughter?” When he said yes, I buckled and burst into tears. He will discover that it was me in the book, it’s whew. I have not called since. I have not spoken to him. But it gave me the strength to continue. He also went through lots of phases, father. At first it was not at all proud of me, he wanted me to exchange name. After I learned from friends that he said to himself that he was my father, he had changed a little vision. He is not the only one. Nabilla between the beginning and the now, I deserve more respect, I think. I drooled at the beginning, I suffered from the eyes of people, their words.
“Raising the desire of men disgusts me,” you write about it.
Do not assume?
I know this is a paradox. But hypersexy character, it’s not always me or not that. TV wants me for this role. TV puts you in boxes. That’s the game, that’s how. Look at the other columnists in Hanouna in “Hands off my post” on D8. Enora Malagré, it must make the girl who cries all the time. Matthew Delormeau, who made HEC, is reduced to play the guy in love with Hanouna, then it probably is not. If I had wanted to do the smart girl, I would have been cropped “Nabilla, you’re here because you’re laughing, that you’re sexy, you’re doing the gogol. Not go out of it, otherwise it will not be the seller. “I agree, because I am part of this system. To return to the desire of men, I think, when the rise and it’s a little too hard, they listen to you more. They have their idea in mind, they are heavy. Or it is only the blockheads who come to the girls a little sexy, and that the most sensitive and intelligent, it intimidates. So, yes, sometimes, it disgusts me, those looks, and since I’m single, I do not like to play with that. Thomas, he can not accept that I too lit men. I calmed down
“I was programmed to be known”.? You dream of being famous
A life in glory worth two. This is what I will continue to say. The contact with people is not the same: there is a form of kindness, respect. A form easier to have things. It is crazy, it is. It carries you to attention. Yes, I prefer a thousand times to live in glory in anonymity. After sometimes there are bad sides. Must assume, do with
You are projecting yourself in the TV programs you look, teenager
You are right.? These are probably those hours spent watching TV who have given me want to do that, in my unconscious. I never really knew why: I loved the show, create situations, I liked to entertain, invent pretty funny stuff … I dreamed of being rich. Because, yes, this is a dream for young people in 2016. But what I kiffais was put me on stage.
Like the TV. But is that the TV like you
My report on TV, it is a relationship with the people: for me, the TV, it is the people. I give her a lot, it makes me a lot. It is part of my life is like a third parent, I do since I’m 16, with “Love is blind.” I know the tricks. I do not know if I could live without. That’s what kept me alive, what created my happiness as my sadness or my sorrows. And even when television began against me, I held. Like when I was in issuing Maïtena Biraben in 2013 (who released the document to him saying that she had been in prison in Geneva when she was 16, ed) or in Daphne Burki, who called my father and sent me the recording while I am with her live, without telling me, I’m just saying that everyone has “folders”. They never come out. Or when people died. Me, it’s no gift to me, no right to youthful mistakes or forgetfulness. I find myself on the cover of VSD or 20 minutes. Of course it is normal that things come out a little, but not at this point, with this tone, this way of making me feel that I had somehow accountable. Maïtena, she spoke as if she was a judge. I will never go in its “Grand Journal” on Canal Plus and, anyway, its hearings are rotten
You say feminist. How it
My father practiced an Islam that I found too rigid. For me, the woman should be able to do what she wants, respecting each other. I learned to respect me, growing up, expressing myself differently with my dress sense, but that comes with time. You can not tell a girl of 18 years: “Stop putting miniskirts” the girl she has superjambes, she wants to show to the whole world. I’m 24 years old now. I am in a relationship. I do kiffer people otherwise my personality, saying funny things, etc. The feminist side me is that if the man leaves, the woman leaves. In 2016, the woman brings as much money as men. In 2016, how many women maintain their guy? For me, women have shown, not just a theoretical principle of equality, they were in men.
You tell a lie often went wrong with your father, cheating during your 16 years, or during the night of the stabbing. As soon as we take you at fault, you say anything. Why?
This is so true … I always feel that life is like poker. One can believe me on the spot, and I’ll get out: I always start by thinking that. Sometimes it works, if the lie is enormous, people say that it will not still lie on such a big thing. I hope to earn at least the benefit of the doubt. But it’s better to assume. I ended up doing after that terrible night. And if I lied First, it is no doubt that I had never found myself in such a serious story. I did not understand immediately that it was serious. I started to say anything, I held in my story, which forced me to other lies. You end up lying about everything, you sink. This book is also this:. The truth is more cool to say, you feel more serene
But you never seem to realize that this is serious …
That’s true. At the time, no. It goes so fast. The gun went off in a second. It was necessary that I find myself two months in prison, in a tiny cell with a white wall. I had time to realize, in these conditions a bit drastic, and I changed a lot. Watching TV, arrived in my cell, I mean that I risk 30 years in prison, and I think: the TV says so. I fainted
Output, you hide to review Thomas Vergara. It looks like two teenagers. You’ve said what you finding the first time in Geneva?
He knew that I was at fault, but why were we got there. He said he had suffered from the fact that my family had told false things, genre he hit me. My family, they were not sure how. So when I see him, it’s too blame, it screams. It gets confused grave. At one point, he wanted to leave. He asked me if I did not stay with him just for the trial. I have also wanted for other things. It was not easy to get to our agreement today soothed. We suffered. Before, it was too rock’n’roll.
What will you become? We can not start over every six months …
I created a name, a small business. Three million people who follow me on Twitter, Facebook with six million. I have a thousand and a choice. Perhaps textile, film, leave in a TV show. Arthur will create a talk show, why not integrate … I know the media. I think I will always find a small place although today I saw a little from day to day: the book, the trial. I always left it coming. Or I’ll take a year to rest.
Someone told you one day that a famous person has to be an example. You want to be an example of what, nabilla benattia?
perpetual combat. Whatever happens to you in life, get up. Ailles that you in prison, that France you lynched, beat up, not let you die.
Why this title, “Too fast”?
It all happened too fast in my life. Since the story of the “Hello …” I have not had a second to think. Then Thomas, this story. Too fast, all the time.
But this book is not primarily a declaration of love for Thomas Vergara?
Yes. (The Morning)
Created: 4/17/2016, 1:54 p.m.
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