Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Doc Savage returns … played by Dwayne Johnson – Le Figaro

VIDEO – project since 2013, the film Shane Blake seems to have taken its stride. With The Rock, this new adaptation of the pulp hero created in 1930 by Lester Dent may finally take turn.

Since 1975, the adventurer Doc Savage had not really sparks cinema. “Scientist-” superhero mid, mid-Indiana Jones, the character nicknamed “The Man of Bronze” had been forgotten, especially because a very kitsch adaptation signed Michael Anderson had complete fool.

But Hollywood was not going to leave much to tell. The remake project, which languished in the pipeline since 2013 has finally resurface. It finally Dwayne Johnson was chosen to embody the cult Doc Savage on the big screen.

For the record, the director Shane Black (writer of the series Weapon fatale , income in the good books of Hollywood with Iron Man 3 , and to whom we owe the very recent the Nice Guys ) said he wanted that “the Rock” slips into the skin of copper this cult figure.

Surprise! US actor recently formalized the new by posting a message on social networks, in which he expressed his enthusiasm to lend his features that he defines as “a strange guy, funny. Because of his education, he has no manners. All his relationships with others are direct, strange, often disturbing and beautifully hilarious. “

Le character Doc Savage was born in 1930 in the writings of Lester Dent. Nicknamed “Human bronze” because of the color of his skin, “scientist-” explorer has a habit of traveling the world in search of many treasures.

Over the 181 novels written by Lester Dent, Doc Savage became a kind of Superman, leading a fight against evil in the world. Dent described his hero as “a mixture of Sherlock Holmes for his ability to deduction, Tarzan for his exceptional physical, Craig Kennedy for his scientific culture and Abraham Lincoln for his honesty.”

In 1975, therefore, Michael Anderson ( Around the World in 80 Days , Logan’s ) adapts Doc Savage on the big screen and sends in Central America in the footsteps of a gold mine that has inherited from his father. On his way, he meets a dealer named Captain Seas. Played by actor Ron Ely, famous for his portrayal of Tarzan in a television series of the 60s, Doc Savage looks like a Flash Gordon crossed with Indiana Jones to Superman sauce. The second degree is so evident in the original version in the French version, actor George Aminel dual Savage taking a pretty ridiculous zézéyante voice. A superhero who lisp, this is something rare.

The date of shooting of this “reboot” produced by Sony Pictures, is not yet fixed. The Hollywood Reporter specifies that the writers Anthony Charles Mondry Bagarozzi and refine the story. Wait and see …


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