The announcement of the ouster of Jean-Michel apathy of the information portion of the mid-day, a few weeks ago, announced the maneuvers on the grid to 1. Followed Europe today formalizing the departure of its most iconic journalist Michel Grossiord, it reveals a crisis of unprecedented magnitude.
What will Europe 1 in September? So it gives to see today: a dish full of doubt, which seeks both a future and identity. Dangerously weakened by hearings continue falling for several years, Denis Olivennes station (CEO) and Fabien Namias (DG) tries once again for broke – just two years after having tried in vain to impose Cyril Hanouna the afternoon, and Wendy Bouchard and Jean-Michel apathy in command of a large news program at noon.
a mid-day now, Anne Roumanoff will entertainment half an hour . Maxime Switek should assure them of twelve thirty newspapers and thirteen hours before leaving the antenna to a daily emission (as at the time of Experts , that Helena had Morna in 2012) and At the heart of History (Franck Ferrand). Nikos Aliagas will conduct an interview with a person between 15 and 16 hours – in the tradition of Frederick Taddéi at the time of See How They Change (2005 to 2011), or Benjamin Castaldi early 2000. at 16:30, instead of Cyril Hanouna it seems officially recorded Alessandra Sublet laughs up to 18 hours in a strip show – which could be the form of radio C to you , his former issuing France 5.
It should be noted that after a year the presentation of a Sunday program, the station had separated from the host of TF1 in June 2015. Ditto for Anne Roumanoff which in 2014 was “spree in four minutes” after assuring the morning and a chronic issue on Saturday morning. In Europe, when you take the door in a sense, nothing says we do not cross again in the other direction when the wind shifted. Michel Grossiord he will experience the same fate, he who announced to leave this morning station?
He joined Europe 1 in 1982, the journalist held several presentation functions at midday with Jean-Luc Delarue or press review. The last two seasons he embodied the 8 o’clock news, with the precision and style, simple and subtly ironic that listeners know him. Did he angry, unworthy? Apparently not: this morning, Fabien Namias paid him a glowing tribute before writing the long applause
Grossiord may have against him to be a figure of weight in a resort in search. savings – we are talking about 3 million to find. It is in this light, it seems that we must also interpret the departure of Patrick Roger, former editorial director and holder of late, information of the weekend. Added to that of Patrice Thomas, editor of the morning (he joined LCI) or Caroline Roux, after issuing policies prying, ensured a daily interview late morning (she succeeds Yves Calvi the presentation of C in air , on France 5). On weekends however, David Abiker ( It happened this week and It Happened Tomorrow ) and the duo Olivier Duhamel-Natacha Polony ( Mediapolis ) would be confirmed. As for Marion Ruggieri, who sees There are not two like it to stop, she could find the box Sunday 11 hours it occupied two years ago.
Le Parisien yesterday, Thomas Sotto announced that the newspaper his morning would be in September, provided by women. Helen Zelany Celine Kallmann and Virginie Salmen “These are the best, and I wanted symbols “, he explained. A formula qu’auront probably appreciated journalists, as well as – but for different reasons – Christophe Charles, who played editions 7 and 9 pm, and Michel Grossiord after almost 34 years in the same house, the journalist can claim to be a symbol, otherwise emblem for a generation of listeners in Europe 1. a bit like Jacky Welsh, star host of the best years … whose station was separated last week after 33 years.

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