It will be responsible mission to the General Secretariat of the Ministry, to drive the labeling initiatives on gender equality and diversity, the ministry said, confirming a report of the World.
“ She returned to the department after setting his court cases, which will allow a return to normal “, do we commented to the ministry.
She will not find a compensation level of the CEO of a public institution, but only the one corresponding to the new position, the source said.
Agnès Saal was sentenced to three months suspended prison sentence and a double fine for charging at INA nearly 24,000 euros costs of personal taxis in 2014-2015, and also nearly 24,000 euros taxi at the Pompidou Centre, which she was executive director in 2013-2014.
In early January, President François Hollande had ruled by decree for two years of public service, including six months firm, pressed by the media storm had triggered the case, which succeeded several otherwise the spending of public officials.
This farm exclusion 6 months is at an end, she reinstated as expected the Ministry of Culture.
Ms Saal has also been condemned by the court in April, following a procedure of “ plead guilty “, to three months’ suspended sentence and two fines: 4.500 euros for his taxi fare to the INA and 3,000 euro fine for its taxi notes at the Pompidou Centre. It added 5,500 euros in damages and legal fees payable to the Anticor anti-corruption association. She also had to pay undue costs.
“ The case ” Agnès Saal erupted in April 2015, when a “ Raven ” denounced the board of INA the expenses of the ruling. Less than 48 hours later, she resigned at the request of the Minister of Culture of then, Fleur Pellerin.
After the revelations, the world of culture had mobilized in his defense, publishing an article in Libération and sending a letter to Fleur Pellerin.

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