By Olivier Pallaruelo ▪ Wednesday, July 6, 2016 – There are 5 hours and 29 minutes
With almost 45 years of career behind him, Sylvester Stallone blows out 70 candles. Yep, already! The opportunity to share some anecdotes you might not know about the actor.
Despite a career inevitably sawtooth, the course of Sylvester Stallone commands respect. Yet he who badly left from birth, when his face was damaged by forceps. A facial nerve was touched, his mouth twisted forever. His tongue, paralyzed in half. Stallone will keep a lifelong speech impediment, which will also become his trademark. High and corrected lashes by his father; the latter then kept reminding him that he was a bum. then it will become a restless teenager and for the less violent with no less than 14 expulsions before his 13th birthday. Multiplying the odd jobs (hairdresser, maintenance man in a zoo, opener in a cinema) and small roles (including an erotic film, “The Italian Stallion” and Woody Allen’s Bananas), he will refuse a bridge gold to sell his Rocky script in Hollywood and accept the minimum wage for sale and play its scenario.
the rest is history … What a contrast. Boasting a filmography of almost 70 films as actors, he offered to the public at least two iconic characters that have entered the cinematic memory of audiences around the world: Rocky Balboa and John Rambo. Whatever one may think of his filmography, it remains in the public eye an icon of Hollywood Box Office, weighing besides a whopping $ 400 million.
Today, Sly celebrates its 70 candles. Yep, already! This is an opportunity to deliver five anecdotes that you know you may be on.
It has a place in the famous International Boxing Hall of Fame
Author – creator of the character and history of Rocky , Stallone was cited twice for an Oscar in 1977, the securities of Best actor and Best screenplay. Rocky, a character from largely rooted in American culture, a positive icon of the American Struggle for Life , he will develop unevenly on six films, until solid and touching Rocky Balboa 2006. to do well, we obviously mention the superb Creed: the legacy of Rocky Balboa, in which he took his favorite role but older, and that earned him both an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor but also a Golden Globe nomination.
in June 2011, Stallone and Mike Tyson, had the right to be registered at the famous International Boxing Hall of Fame , located in the city of Canastota, in the State of New York. To be eligible, professional boxers must wait five years after the end of their careers. The entrance to -Rocky Sylvester – Stallone logically they grind some teeth lovers of boxing, arguing that the actor was mostly content to distribute right hooks to the screen, and therefore it had no place in the middle of real athletes. May be. But it’s also forget that his character has undoubtedly been a great source of inspiration for many aspiring to the noble art of boxing. So in a sense, this gesture is also to honor him.
Just before his speech, the actor is greeted with whistles well audible in the video below. To which he replies “music to my ears …” . Then adds: “I never claimed to be a real boxer, I do not think their skill But I have a real understanding of what is going on outside the ring Sometimes,.. it is a more fierce battle and difficult than that which takes place inside the ring. [...] I firmly believe that what is important is not to measure how far you can hit, c is to measure how well you can be hit [Ed: as heard: by bad blows of fate] and still keep going, because that is what makes the difference in your life “ . Sly / Rocky 1 – whistles 0
see below in full:.
He almost died on the set of Rocky IV
speaking about boxing, so continue with this story about Rocky IV. Action – Hero par excellence, Stallone has had its share of injuries throughout his career and according to his roles. But none had the gravity of what happened on the set of Rocky IV. In this film, also directed by him, he has in front of him the Soviet Ivan Drago, killing machine of the ring, played by Dolph Lundgren possessing a decidedly more imposing stature than his own.
Sly and Lundgren agreed on the fact that give punches to false does not only was not realistic and credible, but also that it was noticed too. For the final battle of the film, Stallone then asked Lundgren to hit as hard as he could. Lundgren dealt him a blow with such force that Sly had cardiomegaly; is a swelling of the core may prevent the organ to perform its natural function and therefore pump blood irrigation due to the thickening of the walls of the organ. Suffice to say certain death at the end. He was admitted to emergency for 8 days in intensive care.
Rocky IV TrailerHis love of painting
The actor is a multi-artist caps. If, for example, pushed the song (in New York Cowboy in 1984), he likes nothing better than painting, his true passion, since 1975. Fascinated by Leonardo da Vinci, he exhibited his painting also regularly works abstract around the globe, such as in St. Petersburg in October 2013. Or more recently in France in May 2015, the contemporary gallery of Nice museum. Yes,
Below, a photo taken at the exhibition of his paintings in Nice.

Stallone, a Business Man … Or not notified
Also producer (lately on Creed), Stallone has multiplied the attempts of diversifications, with more or less success. If we remember the restaurant chain Planet Hollywood and Goodies stamped 7th Art, chain it opened in 1991 with his friend Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger, the matter will result in Fine with a complete fiasco. In 1999, Group sales fall to $ 76.6 million. Crumbled, shareholder confidence evaporates, the action goes from $ 30 in 1996 to 81 cents in August 1999. While the shares of the restaurant chain are totally discounted the New York Stock Exchange, the firm group in 1999 no less than 9 restaurants on 32. on 12 October 1999, the group declares bankruptcy, a debt of $ 250 million. Despite a major restructuring in 2004, it is a long descent into hell that awaits the group, always closing more restaurants. To date, it remains only six, including one in France, located in Euro Disney. We also want to forget his magazine “Sly” , launched in 2005 and stopped after four issues, or food supplements Instone . In 2012, Stallone threw even in menswear with Sly Inc
This is a great admirer of the writer. – Poet Edgar Allan Poe
If Leonardo remains his muse, Stallone also dedicates a stubborn cult to the great writer poet Edgar Allan Poe, died at age 40 in circumstances which could not be determined and whose fantastic tales have lulled millions of readers. For over 10 years, Sly even looking to make a biopic on him, he would write and realize. Yes, but here it is: not easy to convince the producers to put in the pot when you have the label of Action – Hero that sticks to the soles. “I keep telling my producer Avi Lerner:” We must make the movie about Poe “ still said the actor in 2013 .” Is it! a gun? “me he answered.” no, he has no gun. “” did he can throw a knife? “me balance there.” no! He writes poetry! “ Yes, ca must still hurt to have such grotesque also exchange with his producer who does not even know such a man … Or he hides it well.
“what fascinates me about Poe is that it was such an iconoclast! It is a story of young men and young women who think differently, outside the system, who were ostracized or marginalized in their lives by the system because considered too eccentric and / or not in accordance with social norms of the time . It did not work for Poe either. His work, his work did not correspond to the time of cannons; too ahead of its time. Yet he laid the very modern narratives bases in their forms! It was also a great cryptologist [Ed: Cryptology or the science of secrets involving cryptography and cryptanalysis] ; bit codes resisting it. He was an extraordinary man “
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the least we can say is that it sells rather well when her project. Better he had in mind in 2005 an idea of casting donning clothes Poe: Robert Downey Jr. the problem is that the general public, it does not seem so fascinated that Stallone by the brilliant poet writer in 2012. the film Shadow of the bad example ( the Raven VO), in which John Cusack plays a writer, was a pretty resounding failure.
so Sly risk wait a little while before going out of his wallet the script of his film. a script that has, according to him, rewrites at least 20 times, at a rate of once a year or so. “I regularly get out of the drawer” Stallone explained; “I reworks, make additions … I will realize, even if it is clear that this is not the most Hype project … Whatever I do, ca will eventually explode. When you talk and dwell on something for 30 years, it is impossible to stay in the meantime, to stop there. “
it includes … and it already makes an appointment for this hypothetical film that could -and why not – well surprise the world. A project that door at arm too, against all odds. A little as he did there was just 40 years old with a Rocky , which no believed. Except him. In a sense, it would be a great way to close the circle of a rich career as an actor at the capital of sympathy never caught out.

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