Entertainment. Opposite in the final vote at the Toulouse, became his companion after the shooting, the soccer coach, 22-year-old won this sixteenth edition by unanimous vote, yesterday live on French channel TF1.
On had a bet on the radiant Candice and we got it all wrong, that is the beauty of ” Koh-Lanta “. Because yesterday night live on TF1, it is Benedict who has triumphed. Automatically qualified for the final, thanks to the ring of immunity he had found as early as the eighth episode, the coach of the football flew over the start of the competition. Before getting a scare on the test direction, that it has passed in extremis. And then to dominate his subject on the poles.
Malignant, Breton 22 years of age has not chosen the strong Freddy as the ultimate opponent, but Jesta. Unloved by his comrades of survival, which does have assigned no voice in the final vote, the Toulouse was holding his other hand while arriving on the plateau of TF1 hand in hand with Benedict, who became his companion after the shooting.
Ah, the live of the final… This half-hour, during which our Robinsons are disguised, remplumés, glitter, six months after their exile of cambodia. Torsos carved by the hungry, the skin bitten by the salt and sun have given way to the attributes of civilization. Dresses lace, bow tie, gel in hair, lips rouged. A metamorphosis that begins as early as 16 hours behind-the-scenes, in the studio 130 of the Plaine Saint-Denis. The castaways are divided to two or three per locule, a small sign on each door. A photo of Mister T. for the muscular Lau. A Tinkerbell to fancy Julie. The side of the” HMC ” (skin-makeup-hair), we had five people in order to sublimate the twenty adventurers. But the table and the iron are self-service. These gentlemen lisseront themselves their shirts, it is a tradition. “And after that, it sends the photo to the wives “, enjoying the production.
The feast until the dawn
19 hours, dinner with the family. Beryl came out with his best friend, Yannick with his niece, the clan Candice landed at seven… and Then Laurent Maistret, the winner of 2014 became the candidate of “Dancing with the stars “, goes to say hello and a few selfies. At 21 hours, as families have joined the board, the candidates are huddled together in a VIP lounge at the first floor, to track their ultimate trials and tribulations in cambodia on a tv. Julie removes her shoes sparkly, the boys are calling for champagne, and we started the cake, in the shape of a totem pole, commissioned for the 20th anniversary of Candice. It laughs, it room, and it applauds, especially during the cursed event, fatal to Bruno and Candice. “It looks like Pierre Richard ! “, ” You’re getting crazy, there. “
Allies or rivals, linked forever by this experience where we go to the end of the world and of oneself. Memories that the twenty adventurers will celebrate until dawn at the Cellier Saint-Paul in the Marais, where they will be joined thirty former participants of the show, the famous network of ” Kohpains “. Because humanity is divided into two categories, the people who have made ” Koh-Lanta “, and others.
what with 100 000 € ? In addition to the butter in the spinach, for the vast majority of previous winners of ” Koh-Lanta “, there are three must-sees. The fathers emphasize the beautiful travel with wife and children, as Philip (2010), Gérard, or Bertrand (2011). The more young people ? The contribution to a real estate purchase and/or a car, such as Laurent (2014) or Wendy (2016). A few athletes made profit of their earnings to boost a professional project, such as Jade and its complex quad in Morocco (2007), the gym, Romuald (2008) or escalation of Ugo (2012). Only one adventurer has chosen to donate his prize to a charitable cause : Marc, Robinson, unrivalled in the summer of 2015. An initiative which has sparked the curiosity of the tabloids. “We received a lot of phone calls to find out if he had paid the sum, and in what form,” said the director of the association Land of the living, who learned on tv that his organization had been chose n by Marc. “We opted for a donation progressive. The amount has been blocked in the notary, and we consult with Marc regularly, to ask him if he wants to participate in the financing of this or that specific project. At the present time, we have used approximately two-thirds of his gain. “

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