His career lasted nearly 75 years, for a summit with his latest role, that of Mester Aemon, advisor is the occasional Jon Snow in the series Game of Thrones.
fans of Game of Thrones are in mourning. "Unfortunately, Peter Vaughan died at approximately 10: 30 this morning," said his agent, Sally Long-Innes, in a press release. "He died peacefully, surrounded by his family", she added, without specifying the causes of death.
Before playing the role of Mester Aemon Targaryen in Game of Thrones, the son of a bank clerk and a nurse born April 4, 1923 in the West Midlands, has appeared in several films of Terry Gilliam’s films, like Bandits, Bandits and Brazil, as well as in numerous series and sitcoms in English, in which Hat melon and boots of leather or Affectionately yours. "I’ve always seen every thing I have done as if it were the last. And this is where I will be judged", he said one day.
Like many british actors of his generation, Peter Vaughan began his career with theatre, a passion that is only interrupted by its mobilization during the Second world War where he served in France, Belgium and Asia.
After a first appearance in a film minor, Smokescreen, in 1964, he gives a reply to Frank Sinatra in The Naked Runner in 1967, and held several roles before to play in 1980 alongside Meryl Streep and Jeremy Irons in The Woman of the French lieutenant. But it is thanks to the role of the father Anthony Hopkins in the remains of The day, James Ivory (1993), his face begins to become familiar to the general public.
But it took Game of Thrones to bring him finally to an international audience, even if there will be held a small role, that of Mester Aemon Targaryen, one of the oldest members of the Night Guard, partially blind, like him.
A character who was not sparing in quotations of poetry. The most famous of which is probably that imposed just before he reveals his true identity to Jon Snow (Kit Harington), one of the main characters of the series.
"That’s the weight of the honor, for the love of a woman? That weighs duty against a new-born, than they hugged, or against the memory of a brother who smiles? The wind, the words. The words, the wind. We are only human creatures, and the gods we have created to love. This is our augustus glory, our auguste tragedy".

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