It is with Gotlib that a whole generation has learned the intelligence in the 70′s. Almost as well as Roland Barthes, in the more funny when even. We took our first courses of semiology over the Heading-à-brac and Dingodossiers, because there took down the shots, the intertext, and all the holy-the whole caboodle, that grew through the hollywood cinema or the New Wave. Gotlib was out the characters of the boxes, pressed down with the finger in the reflexivity to dislodge our eye. Around Driver, with Mandryka, with Fred, he had invented pataphysics ad usum delphini.
somehow, he has also been a front, with Georges Perec against a certain stupidity. Gotlib is quoted in la Vie mode d’emploi : it is one of the sources of the serialized novel that consists of the young Gilbert Shepherd (15 years) in the chapter XXXIV. , It is even the subject of an article entitled ” Perec “the friendship scientific and literary : Leon Burp and Marcel Gotlib, followed by new Considerations on the life and work of Romuald, Saint-Sohaint” appeared in the posthumous collection Cantatrix Sopranica L. Perec and Gotlib had certainly a community of destiny : the father of Marcel Gotlib, of jewish origin Romanian, arrested and deported in 1942, disappeared in the extermination camps, such as parents of Perec. But they had mostly the same taste for mystification, a way to work around the absence by the fancy combinatorial, as if modernity had found in one and the other in a way similar, from an original perforated by the Story. We can find in this deprivation initial the base of the didactisme comical and obsessive Gotlib.
“I’ll be back soon, don’t worry about”
through the figures of the commissioner Bougret, professor Burp or Isaac Newton, with the form of pseudo-teaching of Dingodossiers, Gotlib assumes the father figure of the law, of the authority, by discovering its shortcomings by ridicule. In fact, in 2001, he said on Liberation that, while not liking “the salads freudian”, he had discovered in him a deep guilt for not having been able to “to be the man of the family” to the place of his father exterminated.
Marcel Gottlieb was born in 1934, a July 14. The employee of civil status forgot a “t”, he took off the “e”. During the war, the family lived in the passage Ramey, in the XVIIIe arrondissement of Paris, they wear a yellow star. One day his father returns to the house, guarded by two French officers : “I’ll be back soon, don’t worry.” soon after, another French police officer who will come, one night, to prevent her mother that she is about to be raflée. In the same interview with Liberation, Gotlib review of his denial of infant : “It is not impossible that, unconsciously, I was still traumatized terribly, but I have not suffered. I just realized that people could be so mean with me that they had done nothing.” His mother the hides in Normandy, in a family that he will not keep a very good memory. After the war, he worked in the accounting, and then, told it to the Express i n march 2014, on the occasion of the expo the Worlds of Gotlib at the Museum of art and history of judaism (Mahj), “I was lettreur in BD and, after twenty-eight months of military service, I made the rounds of the publishers of Paris with my designs. I’ve made boards at Brave, and I am gone on vacation. It was at the beginning of 1962. On my return, the guys over at Brave, which later became Pif Gadget, sought me everywhere.” There, he created among others the series Nanar, Jujube et Piette, and invented the character of Gai-Luron, kind of Droopy that he will never leave, and it will get rid of a unique way before you leave the brushes : Gai-Luron was asexual, Gotlib him draw a slip. Thus embodied, the character is chased out of the paradise, a cartoonist from childhood.
the era of The “Dingodossiers” and the “Heading-to-brac”
But it is above all with its arrival in Driver in 1965 Gotlib is changing the face of the BD franco-belge. Under the authority friendly, with René Goscinny, he develops the second level to the base of ladybugs and apples that made him famous. This is the era of Dingodossiers and Topic-a-brac, “the most happy” of his career, he declared to Libe before fix : “Happy, this is perhaps not the word. I can’t find the adjective.” In fact, Gotlib works as a furious : “This is the time when I’m demolished. I was working ten hours straight in a room not very airy, and I smoked two packs a day. I was depressive, migraine and insomnia.”
In 1972, with Claire Bretécher and Nikita Mandryka (of which a plank had been refused by Goscinny), it creates the Echo of the savanes region, review erotic and scat well in his time : “It was jubilation, but not quite the expression of what I wanted to say. Maybe it could be a step to gain access to an expression less infant, but remove the humour. But I was afraid of going too much into the intimate.” Of that experience, which only lasts for him that ten numbers will be born the album ass Rhââ Lovely. But the beginning of the end is approaching, because the more Gotlib runs, the less it draws. In 1975, he founded the journal COMIC Fluide Glacial, so that it will resell, in 1995, to Flammarion. It creates Perverse cushy and Superdupont, hero of a satire of societal always sharpened : “I had to take care of the authors on the day and create at night. I have not been able to. I didn’t have the head big enough to sup port two caps… Or the head rather small.”
In 1984, at the age of 50 years, the artist poses are definitely the pencil, without knowing why. Itself will never provide an explanation. In 1986, released his last album, the naval Battle, a history of the Gay-Luron. For years, the journalists who go to the meet will be hoping to come back with a drawing. In vain. In 1993, he published his autobiography, I exist, I am met. On the occasion of the exhibition at the Mahj, Liberation had last time met with the great Marcel and asked him like it was the retrospective : “Good, I know, things nailed to the wall. I’ve only heard a single criticism. My sister. She found that it was not well signposted. She found herself in the face of the waters, and she said : “It’s not going to, my brother has never drawn that !”“

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